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Jungkook was laying in his hospital bed, bored to death.
The only thing that he's been looking forward to is the visit of the handsome arson suspect.

He isn't really sure if he makes for a good suspect, but he thinks that he at least knows or has his own suspicions of who the arsonist could be.

He had just received his lunch given to him by one of the nurses who constantly ask if he needs help showering.
Or she let's her fingers linger a little too long on his skin whenever she changes the dressing of his bandages.

When she walks out, he mostly picks at his food.
It doesn't look or smell too appetizing.

He then looks up when someone knocks on his door.
He smiles when he sees Jin walk in carrying a paper bag.

"Hey, I was hoping to catch you before you ate lunch.
I know hospital food isn't that great and I thought I'd bring you some of my cooking.
I am not a professional or anything, but I hope you like it."

Jungkook quickly pushes his current meal aside and anxiously waits for Jin to place the food he brought on his rolling table.

Jin giggles when he sees how wide Jungkook's eyes got whenever he unpacked a container.
And he would roll his eyes as he inhaled the aroma that was overtaking the room.

"This looks so delicious Jin. Thank you for this."

Jin smiled and handed him a pair of chopsticks and told him to dig in. Which he immediately did.

Jungkook thought he had died and gone to heaven.
Jin smiled as he watched him filling his mouth with food.

"Have they said when you get to go home yet?" Jin asked.

"No, not yet. But I'm hoping soon.
I am so bored here all alone.
At least when I'm at the firehouse I am surrounded by people and I'm never bored."

Jin looks at him and wonders if he even realizes just how lucky he is to have survived.

"I think that maybe you shouldn't complain about such trivial things.
Because you could be 6 feet under right now."

Jungkook stops eating and it dawns on him how he sounds.

"You're so right. I should be thankful for being alive.
I'm so sorry."

Jin shrugs his shoulder and says, "I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't want you to take life for granted.
Every day that we're in this world is a gift and we should cherish it."

Jungkook reaches out to grab his hand and says, "I will.
I promise to do so from now on.
As soon as I can get out of here I will start helping Yoongi to help catch whoever it is that is starting the fires."

Jin nods and says, "Sounds good.

They sit and talk for a good while until Jin looks at the time and sees he needs to go.

"I think I really should get going before I am late for work.
I will try to come back again tomorrow."

Jungkook already felt his absence and didn't want him to go yet. But he knows he can't tie him down.. yet.

"Ok, I understand. Thanks for bringing me this delicious food. It was so good."

"You're welcome. Maybe, if you're good I will bring you something else the next time I come.
But for now I will leave you. Bye."

He then walks out of the room and as he's walking down the hall he passes Yoongi, who's on his way to see Jungkook.

Jin doesn't notice him cause he's on his phone, but Yoongi sure notices him.

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