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Jungkook went home after his dinner at Jin's. He was actually very tired and didn't realize that he wasn't at full capacity just yet.

So as soon as he got home, he went straight to bed and passed out cold.

The next morning he is awakened by a phone call from Yoongi.

"Hello?" Jungkook replies sleepily.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you but I just got word that there was another fire. And another casualty. It was a homeless man who was trying to escape the elements."

Jungkook sits up suddenly and flinches in pain. "What news do they have so far? Any leads?"

"Most of the people who were there are claiming ignorance. But one young guy told me he saw a very suspicious man walking by the dumpster. The only reason he stood out was cause of how he was dressed. The witness said he was wearing a long, brown cashmere overcoat that he knew was very expensive. He said he only caught a glimpse of him but he was clean shaven and very clean. Unlike anyone else who was there."

"I am going to get dressed and I'll meet you down there. I want to see the scene for myself."

"Are you well enough to be out and about?"

"I won't stay long. I want to see if I find any connections to the other arsons."

"Alright, I'm heading there now. So I'll see you soon."

They end the call and Jungkook jumps in the shower to get ready for the day.

While he makes the drive to the crime scene, he calls Jin on speaker.

"Hey, what's up?" Jin answers.

"Hey, how is Hobi doing this morning? Any issues?"

"They're still sleeping. I think he's still exhausted from days of pure stress and the incident. So I am just going to let them sleep. I have to go to work but I'll be checking on them throughout the day."

"I'm glad he's resting. It was an awful thing that happened to him. I am going to a fire scene to meet Yoongi there."

"What? You said you would be staying home. Why do you have to get involved in things when you're not healed yet?"

"Aww, you sound worried about me."

Jin sighs and says, "Well duh, I am just getting used to you. And you promised to take me out on a date. Is this some sort of ploy to get out of it?"

Jungkook laughs and says, "No way. I am looking forward to our date. I won't be there long. Once I see the scene for myself I'll go back home."

"Well, ok. If you say so. But seriously, try to take it easy. It would suck if you have to return to the hospital because you're being stubborn."

"Trust me, I'm going home right after."

They quickly end the call and Jungkook soon arrives at the burnt down motel. It is just a shell of its former self. The roof is entirely gone and the brick structure is blackened with soot.

He gets out of his car and walks towards the group of arson investigators and police who are discussing the crime scene. They merely acknowledge him before getting back to what they were doing.

He reaches Yoongi who is standing by a charred door.

"Hey, you made it."

"Yeah, so is this the room the victim was found?"

"Yeah, they found him underneath that wooden beam that collapsed on top of him. He looks like he was reaching for his things. Poor guy."

Jungkook walks further in and sniffs the air trying to determine if any accelerants were present. His human nose can't detect anything so he walks back out. The department's arson dog will be able to tell for sure.

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