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Jin was preparing breakfast when he called for Namjoon and Hobi to come eat. Hobi has been staying with them for about a week now and he seems to be doing better.

He decided that he wanted to return to school and today would be his first day back. He has a sense of freedom that he's never felt before. And knows it's because of Jin.

He's still waiting to hear if he will be charged with a crime or if he'll be cleared. And that in itself is nerve racking, but he tries to keep his mind off of things.

Jin was in a good mood because tonight was his first date with Jungkook. They have been talking on the phone regularly and text each other throughout the day.

Jungkook is still recuperating at home per direct orders from his fire captain. But he's been doing his own investigating from home.


Heo Joon-suk was just eight years old when he almost died. As a curious and mischievous young boy, he had found a box of matches and went out to play in the surrounding area near his home.

The ground outside his home was too wet from recent rains so he decided to walk nearby to an empty building. There he immediately lit a match to allow him to see in the darkness.

When that match quickly burned down, he lit another, then another. Until he grew tired and found a stick and some discarded material and made a torch. He then went further into the building to see if he could find anything cool.

When he entered another room that had clear plastic strips instead of a door, some of the plastic caught fire from the torch and quickly spread.

In a panic he dropped his torch and that lit more things on aflame. He ran out of the room but was lost in the now growing fire.

He began screaming for help and losing consciousness from smoke inhalation and thought he was dead for sure.

But he awoke in a hospital surrounded by his parents. A passerby had heard his cries and saved him. And was also recovering in a nearby room.

After that day, he grew even more fascinated by fire. But he couldn't find a career that allowed him to play with fire. So instead, with the help of his wealthy parents. He began his own insurance business. Dealing with life insurance, fire insurance, auto and accident insurance. And he grew very wealthy in his own right.

For many years he kept his fascination with fire under control. Until the day he received news of his father's death.

He was unable to mourn in a normal manner and had to be strong for his mother. But having to deal with his father's many legal issues on top of running his own business was too stressful for him.

And he parked his car one night and walked around. He found himself outside a dilapidated house and it drew him inside. He instinctively lit a match to see inside and he dropped it. Luckily it turned off before it hit the ground.

But as he stood there looking around at the emptiness of the room, he began to think about his problems. He was feeling overwhelmed and in a moment of weakness, he lit a cigarette. And then after a few drags he lowered it to the ground and watched as papers were caught on fire. And then begin to spread.

He felt so exhilarated but knew he had to walk away quickly before he gets caught and loses everything. He walked briskly back to his car and drove a block away and sat there. He waited until the sirens began to surround the area and once they were in full swing of putting the fire out. He climbed out of his car and joined the rest of the crowd of onlookers. That was the most thrilling experience of his dull life.

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