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Jin was walking out of work when he heard his phone ringing. He stopped and looked at the screen. Smiling when he saw Jungkook's name.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Where are you right now?"

Jin looks around thinking maybe Jungkook is punking him. But doesn't see him anywhere. If he had looked closer, he would have seen Joon-suk lurking in his car across the street. He ducked when he saw Jin glance in his direction.

"I'm just getting out of work. Why?"

"I was hoping that we could have dinner tonight."

"I'm always up for something to eat. Are you cooking? I'm kinda famished."

"No, I made a reservation somewhere. Did you skip lunch again?"

"Yeah, I just.. ugh. You know how it is. People suck."

"You know that's not good for you. But I am sure you will find something delicious on the menu. And maybe for dessert, something filling."

Jin was wondering if he was speaking in double entendres or if it was just his dirty mind playing tricks on him.

So he just chuckles and says, "Sounds delish.. what time should I be ready?"

"I will be there to pick you up at 7pm."

"Sounds good. I'll just make sure the guys have something for dinner before I go."

They soon cut the call and he continues on his way to his car. He dials Namjoon's number and puts it on speaker as he starts to pull away. He asks him to check the fridge to see if there's anything they need so he can stop to grab something on his way home.

After Joon tells him that there's nothing short he drives home. And places an order for delivery for them for dinner.


That evening Jungkook arrives to pick Jin up and comes inside to greet the others.

"Hey, what do y'all have planned for tonight?"

Namjoon and Hobi look at each other and laugh. Then both say, "Nothing much" at the same time.

Jin furrows his brows and says, "Hmm.. that sounded kinda suspect. Whatever y'all do, I'd better not get any calls from the police. Just stay home."

"We will." They repeated together once again.

Jungkook laughs as they walk out and towards his car.

Once inside the car, he asks Jin, "I hope you're hungry, cause the place we're going has some of the best steaks in town. I skipped lunch just to save room for dinner."

"Ooh, sounds awesome."

They arrive at the restaurant and are seated. After placing their order they smile at each other across the table. Jungkook reaches his hand across and rubs his thumb over his knuckle.

"You look amazing tonight. Even more so than usual. Do you ever have a bad hair day or a random pimple?"

"What are you talking about? Of course! I'm not immune to any of those things." Jin answers with a laugh.

"Do you remember the first time I talked to you?"

"You mean at that one fire? Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing really. I just remember looking around and you stood out amongst the crowd. I couldn't believe someone as handsome as you existed in the world. I don't even remember how my feet started walking in your direction. They just moved."

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