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TW ⚠️: This chapter contains implied sexual assault & crude homophobic slurs by a character. It is needed to explain the mindset of one of the main characters. If you are not comfortable reading, then I suggest you don't read further.


Hobi rushed into Jin and Joonie's house and plopped on the couch next to Joon.

"Is everything ok? It looks like you were running?"

Hobi smiled his biggest smile and kissed his lips.

"I ran to see you, cause I missed you. That's all."

Joonie blushed then tried to hold his hand but Hobi quickly pulled it away.

"I'm sorry but I really have to pee. I ran to see you and to pee. Can you I use your restroom?"

Joonie nods and tells him, "yeah, of course" and watches him go towards the bathroom. Curious as to why he's acting so strange suddenly.

As soon as Hobi walked into the bathroom he quickly started to vigorously scrub his hands. He then removes his jacket and smells it thoroughly.

'It's fine, it smells like me' he thought to himself.

After he really peed, and washed his hands again, he walked out and back to where Joonie was sitting.

He then leaned in and kissed him, then said, "Sorry Joon, I had to take a piss real bad. Now I'm all yours."

Joonie smiled and held his hand and then returned to watch the show playing on the TV.


Jin looked at Jungkook as he held his helmet under his arm. His heavy protective coat was wide open, and he wore a white muscle shirt underneath the suspenders. It was full of soot and dirt, and his sweaty tattooed chest and arms were stretching it thin.

"I was the one who called the fire department. I was on my way home when I saw the flames coming from the back of the house."

Jungkook was debating whether or not he should believe him, then as he ran his fingers through his hair he asked, "So you just happened to drive by yet another fire, and you called the fire department. That's such a coincidence, don't you think?"

"I don't think so. It was on my way home. Would you have preferred that I not call instead?"

"Why would you think I'd want that?" Jungkook asked.

"Well you're questioning me like I'm a suspect or something. If you suspect me, then I'd rather not speak with you at all unless it's through my attorney."

Jungkook stares at him trying to get a read on him, but Jin just stares back at him, undeterred. And once again he gets lost in his beauty.

Jin sighs after a long silence and asks him, "Am I free to leave? Or will you continue to question me so I can get an attorney?"

"For now you may go, but we will be calling you to question you and the detective in charge of the arsons will have his own questions for you. So be expecting his call.. and from me."

Jin nods and then turns back towards his car. Jungkook watches him until he drives away then returns to deal with the fire, that has been put out.

His mind continues to go back to the handsome man who he keeps running in to. What are the odds of him being at another fire? He really hopes that he's not involved in the case.

When Jin gets home, he walks into the house and is shocked to see Hobi laying over Joonie on the sofa. They are furiously making out and didn't even hear Jin when he walked inside.

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