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The next couple of days Joon-suk kept Jin tied up and drugged. Feeding him once a day and leaving the TV on for him when he wasn't around.

He hasn't been to work in a while. Letting his office manager run things in his absence. He's been obsessing over his last big job before moving away.

He's already spoken to someone willing to buy his company. With the money he gets from the sale he will move out of the country. Maybe go to Vietnam or someplace tropical.

He just has a few things he needs to tie up at work and he will leave the country with a bang.

Meanwhile, Namjoon hasn't been going to school. Relying on Hobi to bring the work he's missing. He's not eating much and lays in bed for hours waiting for news on Jin.

Jungkook isn't doing much better. His supervisor has allowed him some time off to work with Yoongi. And they're surviving on ramen and coffee.

With things as tense as they have been Joon-suk has amped up his plans for the big burnout. He works mostly at night. Using a beat up work van to fill one empty store at the empty mall with lots of flammable materials. He then leaves a trail of fuel soaked rags surrounding the entire building.

He will soon put his deadly plans into action. Most of his important things packed up for his move in a U-haul truck. All he needs to do now is to get Jin ready to be moved to the empty strip mall.


Jungkook is sitting across from Yoongi at his desk. He looks exhausted and he is slowly losing his mind,

"I don't know why it's so hard to find that asshole! Where else could he be?" Jungkook asks exasperatedly.

Yoongi sighs as he sits back in his seat. His eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep and stress. "At this point, I don't have a clue. Maybe we need to take a break and get some rest before we can think of something else."

"What?! No way! I can't let Jin spend another moment alone with that monster. Who knows what he could be doing to him."

"I understand your frustration. But between the both of us, we're running on ten hours of sleep. We won't be any good to him until we have rested our minds and our bodies. I promise you.. we will figure something out and we'll find him."

Jungkook realizes he's right and says, "Ok, fine. I'll be at Jin's and I will be back here bright and early. Call me if you find anything else."

Yoongi nods as he watches him walk out. He then shuts his computer down and turns off the lights. After locking his door he exits the police station and goes home.

Jungkook drives towards Jin's house, unsure of what he will say to Namjoon and Hobi. It's getting harder to explain why he hasn't found his brother. He wishes he could come to him with good news.

When he knocks on the door, Namjoon quickly opens the door and with big hopeful eyes he looks all around Jungkook. Hoping Jin was with him. But when he sees Jungkook look defeated, his eyes begin to water and his lips tremble. He turns back around to go inside. Letting Jungkook follow behind.

Hobi walks over to hug him and he breaks down in his arms. He then crumbles, knocking Hobi down with him.

Hobi can only hum and rub his back. Hoping it will calm him down.

Jungkook sits down on the couch and lays his head back. Nobody says anything for what feels like hours.

When Hobi notices that Namjoon has settled down he whispers into his ear. After nodding in response, they both get up and Hobi tells Jungkook, "We're going to go lay down a bit. You probably haven't slept in who knows how long so you're welcome to sleep here. I don't think Jin would mind if you slept in his bed. Just you know, try to shower first. Get the days stink off. Goodnight."

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