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Jin, Namjoon and Hobi were walking around the grocery store grabbing things to stock up for the week. They were in a big box store where they could buy things in bulk. Which came in handy for three healthy young men.

"Joon, go grab the big bag of rice. I'm gonna go see if I find any affordable meats." Jin tells him.

Namjoon and Hobi walked off while Jin pushed his cart into the meat market.

As he maneuvered in between the aisles, he felt like someone was watching him. He looked down the ends of each aisle but just saw random people shopping.

He figured it was just his imagination and continued on his way. He stopped to look at some items and tried to see what he could afford with his budget.

"Hello again. I thought I recognized you. I rarely forget such a handsome face." Joon-suk spoke.

Jin turned to see who was talking to him and he immediately recognized who it was. He could never forget such a creepy person.

He smiled as politely as he could and responded, "Oh, hello. What a coincidence. How are you?"

Joon-suk walked closer to him on the pretense of looking at the same meat section Jin was. "I'm doing wonderful. Sometimes life can just feel so amazing. Don't you think?"

"I guess. I suppose it's easier for you to say that since you don't have to worry about the price of things." Jin replies as he sees him grab the most expensive pieces of meat in the display.

Joon-suk realizes why he said that and says, "Yes, I suppose that's true. I do quite well for myself. Maybe.. we could.. come to some sort of arrangement." He eyes jin up and down.

Jin wanted to throw up at the thought of that creep touching him in any way. And his facial expression showed his revulsion.

"If you're suggesting what I think you are, then that's going to be a hard pass for me." Jin replies and reaches for a packet of meat and throws it in his cart.

He then begins to push it in a different direction and adds, "I have to get going. Excuse me."

Joon-suk stops his cart from going further by grabbing it and asks, "Why? Are you already in a relationship? We can be discreet if you prefer. I'm sure we can come to a compromise that is beneficial for us both. I'm very generous if I feel satisfied."

"Look, I was really trying to be nice and give you an easy out. So I'm going to say this in the most polite way possible. But that was the grossest proposition I've ever received. And in case I am not making myself clear, then I will just say it. I will never, ever want anything to do with you. I don't even want to breathe the same air as you. The thought of you touching me churns my stomach. And I know you're probably in the habit of paying for affection, but you need to stay in your lane."

That really pissed Joon-suk off and when Jin tries to move away he grabs and twists his arm. He sneers into his face and says in a menacing voice, "I won't allow a simpleton like you to insult me like that. You should bow down to kiss my feet for the generous offer I gave you. But if you want to do things the hard way... then I will."

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?! Get away from him!"

Namjoon and Hobi rush over to him and Joon pushes him roughly away from Jin. Joon-suk lands against the counter and then stands up quickly.

He was going to retaliate but noticed they were drawing a crowd. So he fakes a smile and says, "No need to worry boys. It was a simple misunderstanding. I won't be pressing charges."

"Charges?! Fuck off with that shit. We're going to press charges on you asshole!" Joonie responds.

Jin then grabs onto his brothers arm and calmly says, "Joon, it's ok. Let it go. We have better things to do than to give people the time of day. C'mon, let's finish shopping."

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