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"Hey! What are you doing there?"

Joon-suk stops in his tracks and slowly turns around. The investigator walks towards him and asks, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, just looking around."

The sound of glass breaking and smoke billowing grabs the investigator's attention and he looks away from him. Joon-suk takes the opportunity to knee him in the nuts and when he keeled over, he kicks him in the face. Knocking him out cold.

Knowing the whole surrounding area was in total chaos with sirens, alarms, fire and smoke. And also screaming people running around in a panic. Joon-suk knew that it wouldn't be long before more people come there. So he runs a few doors down to an apartment building. He figures he can hide out amongst the tenants until it's safe to escape.

He enters the building and takes the elevator to the top floor. Which is only 6 stories high. When he exits the elevator, he sees an open lobby area for the tenants. It features a large window that overlooks the street. He walks towards it and looks out at the commotion from the fires. Soon some of the other residents come out to investigate and also look out through the window. They're1 all in shock and one asks, "Do you think the fires will reach here?"

One responds, "I doubt it. But just in case, we should grab what we need in case we need to escape."

They all return to their apartments and he remains at the window. He was in a trance watching the flames, even laughing to himself.

A short while later, some of the same tenants came back out and were dressed. They took the elevator downstairs to go see what was happening. One of the tenants kept his eyes on Joon-suk and thought he was out of place.

When he rode the elevator down, he asked the others if they knew who he was. They all said 'No' they didn't.

When they walked out of their building some walked closer to the scene. Observing what happened.


When Jungkook got the door open at the store he stepped away before turning back to the mall. That's when he saw the fire that was coming from the cellphone store.

"Oh shit!" He yells and starts running back.

Yoongi saw that the firefighters were handling the fire there so he turned to look for Jungkook. When he saw the fire too, he called one of the firefighters and pointed across the street.

The firefighter got on his radio and called for more backup. The fire was spreading at the first location to the surrounding buildings. And the same was happening at the strip mall. They were getting overwhelmed and their fire captain had to call the neighboring town for help.

When Jungkook got t0 the cell phone store, he looked inside and saw Jin laying on the ground. The smoke was getting worse so he tried to find something to break the window. Until Yoongi stopped him and said, "You could cause a backdraft if you break the window. Let's go around back."

He pulls Jungkook along and are soon inside.

Jungkook rushes towards Jin and tries to pick him up but the ropes were stopping him. He runs to the display case and breaks it, grabbing a piece that he uses to cut the rope. Once free, he carries a very weak Jin back out. They just barely make it out when the roof caves in.

Jungkook calls for an ambulance and Yoongi helps carry Jin when he sees Jungkook stumbling. They carry him towards the front of the building where an ambulance is parked.

"Hey! Over here! We need some help!" Yoongi yells out.

The two paramedics run towards them and help carry Jin the rest of the way. They put him on the stretcher and immediately place an oxygen mask over him and start checking him out.

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