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Jungkook was about to head to the gym room when he suddenly heard the fire alarm.
He ran towards the pole and slid down and jumped into his uniform and boots.

They arrived to a burning field that looked like it was already out of control.
While his partner searched for the nearest fire hydrant, he jumped out of the truck and grabbed his axe.

He then put his gas mask and helmet on and helped his partner attach the hose to the hydrant.

They were struggling to get it open cause it looked rusted.
And every second counts with a fire.

They eventually managed to get water flowing and his partner aimed it all over the field.
Hoping to stop it before it jumps across the street and catches the houses on fire.

Jungkook walks to the side of the lot the field is contained in, and starts using his axe to cut through the dried grass.
Hoping the fire doesn't jump across and catch more patches of grass on fire.

Several others join in and use every tool available to cut a swathe through the field.
But the fire keeps spreading at an alarming rate.

Another fire truck pulls up across the road and hooks up their hose to a different hydrant and attempts to tame it.

What started as a small field fire has turned into a blazing inferno that threatens to catch surrounding houses on fire.

The fire catches a large wooden utility pole on fire that was covered in flyers and glue and it burns quickly.
The firefighters are too busy trying to contain the fire that they don't notice the flames have reached the high wires.

They start to shoot sparks everywhere and one of the live wires is soon loose and falls down.

When Jungkook spots it he tries to yell out for the firefighter nearest to it to be careful.
But he doesn't hear him.

The others do see it and move away from the swinging wire, but the one that is concentrating on the fire before him is in serious danger to get hit by it.

When Jungkook sees everyone else move away, he then runs closer to him to pull him away.

At that moment, the water has reached behind the firefighter and Jungkook grabs his arm right when the wire lands on the puddle of water, they are then thrown across the field in opposite directions after being electrocuted.

Jin was driving home from the store when he saw the fire.
He jumped out trying to see how bad it was was and also wondering if he'll see anybody familiar.

What he does see is a horrific sight as Jungkook lands in front of him after being thrown across.

Jin screams at how terrible he looks and tries to run over to help him.
But another firefighter yells at him not to touch him cause he could be seriously hurt.

Luckily the ambulance was already on scene and rushed over to him as soon as they saw him.
Jin stood back as he watched them work on him.

He was terrified to think that he could possibly die.
He knows that they're not really close, but they have spoken a few times and he doesn't want him to die.

He saw as they quickly loaded him on the gurney and two paramedics sat on top of him as the others pushed the gurney onto the ambulance.
They were working feverishly trying to keep him alive.

Pretty soon it was driving away and Jin was told to move away from the area.
So he went back to his car and drove home.

When he got there, he saw Joonie laying on the sofa with his back facing him.
So he knew something was wrong with him, but he went to put the groceries away before coming back to check on him.

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