Chapter 9

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I was there tied up for about 5 days, until finally someone got suspicious and called the

police. My mom also was worried that I was gone so long, especially since I had her grand-

babies. When the police arrived they found a 14 year old girl, 4 seven month olds, and a two year

old. We were brought home after I filed a report against Edgar. When the police found us, I told

them that the children there were all mine, because I didn't want an innocent child to suffer for

her father's mistake (thankfully Meranda looked kind of like me). I knew she would just be put in

foster care, and with 15 babies/toddlers at my house one more is no problem, plus she is such a

darling girl. Thankfully, my mom agreed with me! While I was gone Rosalie's dad got out of

jail, and said that he was completely changed. He pleaded in court for custody of Rosalie. The

judge gave him another chance to be a good father. If he failed again he would be put in jail for

life, and my mom will be her legal guardian. Rosalie pleaded that her children could stay with

us. (when her youngest were born she made my mom their legal guardian (since she's only 13).

The older ones are under the custody of her grandmother, so the judge ruled that the children

could stay with my mom!

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