Chapter 17

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We watch the girls play a bit, and soon everyone starts getting fussy. So, we do our

normal order. I feed Malia and Alissa, Rosalie feeds Graciana and Christina, Laura feeds Ester

and Eli, and Selena feeds Susie and Josie. Then, once they're fed and changed we lay them

down in their beds (leaving the room two at a time so that there is always someone in the room

with the remaining babies). Once we get back I feed Alia and Melissa, Laura feeds Earnest and

Margretta, Selena feeds Rosie and Marie, and Rosalie takes Hannah, Melody, and Meranda

to their highchairs and feeds them. After they've all been fed, changed, and put in bed we have a

bit of time to rest while they nap.

Rosalie goes to the cabinet and gets out a box of cereal. Selena rushes over and

takes it out of her her hands and puts it back in the cupboard. "Why did you do that?" whined

Rosalie. Selena replied with "Rosalie, you know you need to eat healthy during

pregnancy. You can't afford to have to devote the extra care that your babies will need if they're

born sickly. You already have 5 children, I know you're only 14, but I'm sorry you need to grow

up and act like an adult.". When I noticed that Rosalie was starting to cry I stepped over and

gave her a hug. "It's okay, why don't I make you a nice omelette. That would be very good for

your babies.". "Alright" she said, her lip still quivering "that sounds good". So, I went to the

fridge, grabbed some eggs, bacon, cheese, and spinach and went to work making omelettes for

myself and Rosalie.

"Why don't you sit down in the living room and rest" Selena told Laura and Rosalie.

"I'll help Dakota with the food". Laura and Rosalie were happy to get the chance to rest, so they

went into the living room and sat down. As soon as they left the room Selena came over to

me and started talking. "Dakota, you need to stop babying Rosalie. She isn't a little child. You

are actually hurting her by the way you act toward her. I don't mind you guys being close,

because I'm definitely closer to Laura than I am to you guys. But, you are way to overprotective.".

"I just feel so bad for her. No child should have to deal with what she's dealing with. I know I'm

only a year older, but I feel protective toward her, and our children are like siblings. I don't want

her to ever feel sad, or need anything. She didn't have a good life growing up you know. She

never had a chance to be a kid. I mean, neither of us had to deal with being raped by our fathers

our entire childhood. We at least got to have fun and play when we were little, unlike her. We

didn't get pregnant when we were 11 years old. Both of us chose to have sex, even though we

were pressured, there was still the option to refuse. We indirectly chose this life, all she wanted

was to be a child. It can't be easy being a parent when you never had a parent who actually

cared for you" I replied.

Selena looked extremely sad at that point, and started crying "Well, you at least have a

parent who cares about you. She would never just leave you to live on the streets while you were

pregnant. You don't understand the life I had growing up. It was anything but fun.". "You never

actually told me your story. If you're willing to tell me, I'm willing to listen". I stated softly. "Well"

Selena began"My mother gave birth to me when she was 15 and she's hated me ever since.

She said that I ruined her life. Did you know that I was a triplet? When my mom found out that

she was pregnant she decided to have an abortion. They did an ultrasound, and told her that it

was twins. She had an abortion that day, but I must've been up under her ribs or something,

because I survived. Not long after the abortion she was put in jail for selling drugs. Soon she

found out that the abortion had partially failed, and she was still pregnant. Because she was in

jail they wouldn't let her have another abortion. She got out of jail a few days after I was born (I

stayed in the hospital until she got out). She used me as a reason to get out. Apparently she was

"overjoyed to have a baby", and "her life was forever changed". She would "never sell drugs

again" she told the judge. Of course once she got out she couldn't care less about me, but she

had to keep me alive because I was the one thing keeping her out of jail. She pretended that she

loved me, and because of the social workers who checked up on us every week she couldn't

physically injure me. But, she sure did emotionally hurt me. She would scream at me and tell me

I was worthless all the time, and that she wished I had died with the other babies. All my life I

believed her, until I met Jared. He made happy, and told me that I was beautiful, and he loved

me. I was persuaded to have sex with him. Then, I found out I was pregnant. I didn't know what

to do, but I knew that I didn't want an abortion, because I barely survived one. When I told Jared

he slapped me really hard. I probably still have the bruise. He told me that he would kill me and

the baby if I ever told anyone. So, then I was alone, and I realized that he didn't really care about

me, all he wanted was sex. I started showing fairly early, which alerted me to the fact that it was

more than one baby. My mother noticed my bump and automatically kicked me out. The social

workers decided that they didn't want to fool with the situation now that I was pregnant. So, I

was living on the streets for a while, which was where I was when you met me. I don't have an

aunt, but I didn't want anyone to know that I was homeless. When I found out that you were

letting Rosalie move in with you I made up the story about my aunt moving to England. I was

so happy when you let me move in. Otherwise me and my girls would be living on the streets

still.". "Wow, Selena, I'm so sorry" I said, "I didn't know".

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