Chapter 19

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When my mom got home she helped us with the little ones, and we had a quick 1st

birthday party for Posie, Susie, Josie, and Marie. Most of them enjoyed their cake and Meranda,

Hannah and Melody were very happy to help them eat it. After the party my mom told us that

she was going to lay down after a hard day at work, and that we should clean up the mess from

the party. Selena and Laura said that they would clean up if Rosalie and I would watch

their little ones. We agreed that that sounded good and we decided to take the babies and

toddlers for a walk. We made sure all the little ones were fed and had their diapers changed

before we got out two of our three strollers that seat eight. The only problem with the strollers is

that one child is left out (since the strollers together seat 16 and there's 17 little ones). So, to

compensate, my mom bought me a toddler backpack that has a leash attached to it (so that I

won't lose Meranda).

As soon as we had all the children in the strollers (except Meranda, because she has her

backpack) we started off. The little ones are always happy to go for walks, and Rosalie,

Meranda, and I like to be able to stretch our legs. We had gone about 1/4 of a mile when I got the

overwhelming urge to puke. I barely had time to turn my head so that I didn't puke on the little

ones. Meranda started crying, which set off all the babies. Thankfully Rosalie thought quickly

and we just happened to be only a few feet from a fenced in playground. Rosalie took

Meranda from me. She picked her up, hugged her, then told her that she could go play at the

playground if she wanted. Rosalie left the stroller that she was pushing inside the fence along

with Meranda.

After making sure that the gate was shut Rosalie came back for the stroller that I had

been pushing. Once both strollers were safely inside the gate, and it was closed she came back

and helped me stand up. "Dakota, is everything alright?!" she asked. "Yes" I replied, "just had a

bit of morning sickness". "Oh, okay glad you're alright" she said as she helped me walk to the

playground. After shutting the gate behind us we both quickly let all the children who could walk

(which is Posie, Susie, Josie, Marie, Hannah, and Melody) out of the strollers to let them play. The

others we picked up one at a time, and held them for a while. Once the children started to seem

tired we put them all back in the strollers. Rosalie brought a baby carrier so, on the way back

I carried Christina on my back, and Meranda rode in a stroller. By the time we got home the

house was clean.

We all changed, fed, and bathed our little ones, before laying them down for the night. The

little ones actually went to bed better than they normally do. We all actually got to sleep in our

own beds (We do have baby monitors, and the four of us each take a night to wake up with all

the babies). Since there are four of us, but seven days of the week we each have a day of the

week we wake up with everyone's babies, a day that we wake up with only our own babies, a

day that we wake up for the babies in our nursery and 4 days that we don't have to wake up at

all. Yesterday was mine and Laura's night to wake up for our nurseries. Today is Selena's

night to wake up with all the babies, so the rest of us get to sleep!!

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