Chapter 11

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My mom got really mad at Rosalie and I when we told her we're pregnant, even though

it wasn't even our faults... She told us that the babies we were pregnant with would be the last

new editions to her house. If ANY of us got pregnant after this pregnancy we all would be sent to

a home for teenage moms. We decided that it would just feel wrong to give our babies up, so we

will just manage as best as we can. My mom still doesn't want us to have any ultrasounds, so we

don't know what the gender is, or how many babies we'll have. We both feel about the same as

we did our last pregnancy, so we think we're probably having about 2-5 babies each... I don't

know what I'm going to do when my babies arrive... Rosalie and I already have 5 children

each, so we're going to have 7-10 children by the time we deliver these little ones. Selena and

Laura have said that they will support us, and try to help as much as they can. Life is hectic, but

we'll manage, and these babies will have more than enough love showered on them. Even with

all these babies we have found a way to spend one-on-one time with each little one. We are

getting more efficient, and we actually can do normal things like going for walks, and sitting

down at the table to eat meals. The little ones actually have a routine, and all the babies sleep at

the same time. The toddlers sleep during the time the babies are sleeping, just not quite as long.

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