Frickle Frackle and a Plane Trip

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"oi Grace!" Alex yells after me as I run out the back and towards the rabbit cage. I roll my eyes and turn to look back at him. "Arent you hungry?" I shake my head and he sighs. I smile innocently and continue walking over to Juliets cage.

"hey baby." I coo at the baby rabbit. I smile and reach into her cage, picking her up and hugging her close. I'm gonna miss her when we go on tour in a couple weeks. Baz and Pey come patting out and I look over my shoulder to look at them. Pey comes a little closer and smells Juliet who is oblivious to it all. I pat him behind the ears and he licks my hand before I grab the tennis ball and throw it across the yard, smiling at the two dogs as they run across the yard. They come running back over to me and I throw it again, only Pey running after it this time as I pat Baz behind the ears. He sits next to me and rests his head on my thigh, ignoring the little rabbit in my arms. the sliding door opens and shuts and I glance up at it to see Jack walking down and sitting next to me.

"theres my little baby." He says in a way you would to a baby and takes Juliet out of my arms. I pout and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer and pecking my cheek. "My two babies" I shake my head and take Juliet back patting her as she snuggles up on my legs and falls asleep.

"My baby." He rolls his eyes and pulls me into his lap, me sitting sideways and Juliet still asleep. I look back at Sebastian and fake a glare at Jack. "What about Baz?" Jack just shrugs and pets the dog before wraping his arm back around me. Pey comes back at that moment and I throw the ball again, this time both dogs racing after the ball and I smile slightly, laying my head on his chest. He pulls me closer again and Juliet decides to jump out of my lap and I pull away so I can watch her. Jack groans and I ruffle his hair, standing up and picking Juliet up and carrying her inside.

"Hey hey hey. No rabbits inside." Alex jokes and I roll my eyes and walk into the loungeroom and putting her down, watching her jump around happily. Someone walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me, leaning forward and pecking my cheek.

"Hey Jack." I turn in his arms and he smiles .

"hey." I lean my head on his chest and he pats my back gently. "How you doing?" he asks and I shrug, looking up at him and moves his hair from his forehead. I kiss his cheek and pick Juliet as she jumps past me. Jack puts his hands around her and holds her with me and I rest my forehead on his chest. "you excited for tour?" he asks.

"Not in the slightest."

~~Time skip to 3 weeks later (Australia tour)~~

"Graceeee." Jack whispers in my ear. "We leave for tour soon.." he whispers again and I groan, rolling over and hiding my face in the pillow. "Come on, time to get out of bed." he states loudly and throws a pillow on my face. "Up, up, up."

"Jack Bassam Barakat get out!" I yell at him and he looks at me shocked.

"That was a bit rude.." I turn and glare at him before hiding my face in the pillow again. "Lexxx! Grace isnt getting uppp!" Jack yells out the door and I groan and kick him. "and now shes kicking me!"

"Grace we have to go soon!" Alex calls up to us and I groan before getting out of bed and hearing the bedroom door close. I turn to make sure Jacks gone but roll my eyes when I see him still standing there, slowly taking his pants off?

"Jack what are you doing..?" I ask, confused. He walks towards me and smirks, sliping my Simple Plan shirt off from me and sliping my shorts off. I raise an eyebrow and he wraps his arms around my waist tightly, kissing me deeply. I instantly kiss him back and tangle my fingers in his hair. I slip his boxers off, him doing the same to my underwear. He picks me up and carries me over to my bed and throws me down. He looks at me, asking for reassurance. "Do it.." I whisper and he smirks and lines himself up with me and slowly pushes into me. He bends over and kisses me deeply, gaining pace. He continus to gofaster and eventually we're climaxing. Riding out our highs. He pulls out of me and I cuddle up next to him andputs my hand on his chest.

I Miss You {sequel to Was It Real?}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن