Got Rabbit?

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"Grace come on, wake up." I stir and am being shook slightly. "Bub come on. Wake up." I groan and roll over hiding my face in the pillow. "I'll tickle you.." Rolling over, I shoot up from the bed and look at him annoyed. 

"Why are you so annoying?" Alex chuckles and I roll my eyes. "why did you want me awake so badly?" I ask him, rubbing my eyes tiredly. He stands up and holds his hand out to me. "tell me Lex.." 

"I wanna go shopping.." I raise my eyebrow. "Come shopping with me?" I shrug and he pulls me out of my bed. "Come onnnn." Rolling my eyes I walk over to my chest of drawers and pulls out black skinnies and a botdf top. I turn around and notice Alex has left so I quickly change and walk into my bathroom and straighten my hair and applying a little make up. I slip on dark purple vans that match my top and grab my phone, walking into the lounge room. "Ready?" I nod and he smiles, holding my hand and walking out to his car. 

The drive to where ever Alex was taking us was quiet. I watched the views out the window and every now and then turn to look at Alex, who had all his attention on the road. When we finally arrived we got out of our seats and I looked up and realised we were at Pet Smart. I turn to Alex and raise an eyebrow. 

"why are we here?" I asked confused. 

"Getting some stuff for Baz and Pey." I nod and we walk inside the surprisingly empty Pet Smart. "Go look around, im going to go get the stuff." I nod and walk the oposite way he does. I look down the ailes and get extreamly bored. I walk towards the animals and watch the adorable little kittens. I keep walking and see the rats, mice an other little animals like that. 

"Grace!" someone yells from behind me and I flinch slightly. Looking up I realise its just Alex and raise an eyebrow. "I couldnt find you.." 

"You've found me now.." He sighs and nods and I just keep looking at the animals. Alex walks beside me. 

"look at the rabbits Mommy! They're so cute!" I look up and see a little girl who looks about 5 pointing into a pen looking thing. I walk over and look inside seeing the many different rabbits in there and 'awwe' out loud. The little girl and mother walk away and I look down at them and one catches my eye. 

The rabbit was tiny, she looked like she would barley fit in my hand. My eyes widden and I look at Alex and then back at the little white and brown lop eared rabbit. She was absaloutley goregeous. Leaning down, I pat her through the bars and shes so soft and fluffy. I look up at Alex again and he has a smile on his face. 

"Lex shes so cute.." I look back down at her and sigh. He puts his hand on my shoulder but I just keep my eyes on the cute little rabbit infront of me. 

"Do you want her?" my eyes shoot up to him and he smiles at me. "Well?" I nod furiously and he ruffles my hair. "I'll go get a staff person to get her and then we can go look at rabbit stuff yeah?" I smile and shoot up, wraping my arms around his neck. 

"thankyou thankyou thankyou!" He hugs me back and rubs my back quickly before pulling away. 

"I'll go get that staff lady.." I nod and he walks towards the desk. Turning back around I smile down at the rabbit, patting her head again softly. I continue to pat her until Alex and a young looking girl named Samantha (by the look of her name tag..) walk back over and Samantha has a cardboard pet carrier. 

"Which one are you after today?" I point down to the little rabbit and she nods before opening the carrier and sticking some straw in there and picking her up and putting her inside. She stands up properlly and looks at us. "Have you got everything already at home or do you want me to hold her at the counter and come back and help you with the hutch?"  

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