I'm So Sorry

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( A/N: changing it up a bit and not gonna write Grace P.o.V at the start anymore because its only about her since Del died. So yeahhh its Grace unless I say other wise  )  

We cuddled in the gardeny bit of the funeral place for a while. Just me and Alex. I sat there thinking. Thinking about how I lost my best friend in a car accident. And now I've lost two of my brothers and 2 of my best friends in a plane crash. How when I was back in Australia I was teased and bullied and physically hurt by the 'populars'. About how I used to cut all down my arms and the only one who would care was my best friend. Shes gone now, I have Alex but he doesnt know me quiet as well as she did. She could stop me, just by sitting there and talking to me. Even when I was so close, hiding away in my bathroom. She would just know and come and stop me before I seriously hurt myself. 

I'm never going back there.  

Alex pulled away slightly and I looked at him through teary eyes and he hugged me closer to his chest, whispering incouraging words into my ear. I know he was trying, but it hurt too bad. It hurt too much to think about. I lost 5 of the most important people to me. They helped me before I even knew them. She helped by just being there, caring. Now I dont have any of them. 

"Grace its over, we should go home.." I nodded slightly and he stod up and carried me to the car park. 'it'll kill you.' My conscious whispers to me. 'just like it killed them.' I cringed and squirmed out of Alexs arms and backed away from his car. "Whats wrong?" At that I only shook my head and turned around, bumping into a firm chest. 

"Whats wrong Grace?" Zack asked, concern in his voice. I shake my head again and try to walkpast him but he just grabs my arm and pulls me into a hug. Despite him being a big, muscly guy. Hes actually a good hugger. He feels so safe. Almost as safe as Alex, Jack, Vic, Mike, Tony and Jaime.. As soon as their names wash through my brain I pull out of his hug and run past him, towards the exit. 

"Grace!" Someone else calls after me but I ignore the voice and run out the car park exit and down the busy road. I glance back and see Jack runing after me, Zack and Alex close behind. I begin crying again and it gets too blury to see. I eventually fall to the floor, hyperventilating and tears streaming down my face. I curl up in a ball on the ground and cry.

I'm suddenly pulled onto someones lap and I curl into the person, un aware of who it is. But they feel safe. And I trust that. The person rubs my back and rocks us back and forth. I wipe my eyes and look up to see Rian with a concerned look on his face. I rest the side of my face on his shoulder and he slowly picks me up, walking slowly back the way I came with my legs wraped around his waist. I close my eyes and let my legs and arms go limp as I hear foot steps slow infront of us. 

"is she okay?" 

"where was she?" 

"how did you get to her before us?" 

"give her to me.." 

Questions continue to shot at Rian as he passes me over to who I assume is Alex. He pulls me closer and I snuggle into his embrace. Rubbing my back I suddenly get really tired and I sigh and squeeze around Alexs neck tighter. 

"Get some sleep.." I shake my head and he sighs. "Please?" I shake my head again and they all go quiet and begin to walk back to the car. When Alex stops I pull myself from his arms and I look back at the car. My eyes widden and I turn to Alex with a scared look on my face. "whats wrong?" 

I Miss You {sequel to Was It Real?}Where stories live. Discover now