Drunken Nights Are All He Knows

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-Alex's P.O.V-

It's been about a month since Grace announced her pregnancy and her and Jack have stuck together like glue, holding hands, hugging, staring intently at each other, sucking face, and no one will deny the.. sexual sounds coming from Jacks bunk in the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning.

The more time they spend together, the less time I get to spend with my younger sister. Zack and Rian have been noticing my lack of emotion and the fact that I only leave my bunk for concerts or pee breaks.

They've asked me if I'm okay numerous times, but I continue to ignore them. I never would've thought that Grace being pregnant would be such a happiness drainer.

"You're so adorable." I hear Jack compliment my sister for the billionth time this passed DAY. Even from my bunk I can hear them and their stupid conversations about nothing in particular. I hear Grace giggle quietly and in can just see her kiss his cheek as she replies with "no, you are."

I roll my eyes at their cheesiness and stands up from by bunk, sick of their lovey-dovey actions and grabs some clean clothes from my junk bunk before walking into the bathroom, showering, shaving, and dressing again. I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen area on the bus and grabs a beer before getting off and walking around the venue, looking for a certain someone in mind.


I drag my feet under me as I place my butt next to Austin Carliles on BMTH's bus. I glance over at Oli as he sits on Austins other side. I giggle quietly as my drunk self finds something oddly hilarious about Oli taking a sip of his own beer.

"Water you laughin' 'bout?" He asks, faking anger as the three of us giggle again and Austin wrap his arms around our necks and pulling us close.

"Ya know, I reawy luf you guiez" Austin grins sweetly and kisses our cheeks. "You's are tha besedest." I grin and ruffles his hair as I hear someone knock on the bus. I put my finger to my lips and holds them there.

"Shhhhhhh. It's probably Zian.. I mean Rack.. I mean Zack and Rian!" I whisper shout to them making them giggle childishly and nod quickly as I hide in Austins shoulder. There's another knock before Aaron gets up and answers it. I see Zack and Rian and gasps at Austin as Oli raises his hand and pulls it down quickly, shouting: "called it!"

"Nuh uhhhh, that was meeee." I fake anger, ignoring Zack and Rian's disappointed looks.

"Alex come on, we've got to go back to the bus." Rian sighs making me look up and glare at him.

"Nuh! Fack urself!" I shout as Zack walks over and picks me up. I hit his head childishly as I yell at him- "oi! Let me down you fucks!"

"Grace is worried about you!" Rian shouts angrily, making me glare at him and shake my head.

"Nuh uh, you're lying." I say angrily.

"We're not." Zack adds as he carries me put the bus door.

"Efen if you're not.. yooooou can fuck yourselves! I dun car if she's worried!" I shout angrily again as we step onto the bus. "She doesn't care about me so why should I care about her?"

The guys sigh and let me down on my bunk. "I know she's kinda ignoring you right now but she does care," Rian sighs.

"Yeah.. Nah!" I lay back down on my bed and kicks them. "I'm not listening to the bull crap excuses you're trying to give me, I'm not listening." And with that I slam my bunk curtain closed.

-Graces P.O.V-
I look down at my stomach sadly as Jack hugs my waist close to his side and kisses my cheek. I listen in on the guys conversation as they continue to scream at each other. Jack places his hand on my stomach as I lean on him slightly and kisses my cheek. 

"Just ignore him Grace, hes being stupid." Jack whispers into my ear making me nod slightly and smile up at him a little and peck him lightly. "Promise me that you wont worry about him." I bite my lower lip lightly and looks at the door as Rian and Zack open it. 


A/N: an update! horray?! idk! enjoy!

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