Unexpected Surprise

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-Alexs P.O.V-

I woke up the next day with a raging head ache, groaning I sit up and rubs my eyes tiredly. I get out of my bunk and walks into the bathroom and takes a painkiller dry and walks back into my bunk and lays down. I look down as my phone and swipes through the feed on my facebook and sighs a little before my bunk currtain is being pulled open by Flyzik. 

"Sound check, hurry up." I nod as he shuts the curtain again and I stand up and changes into trackies and a baggy jumper. I walk out of the small hallway and grabs a Berry Mother and walks towards sound check. I hear footsteps behind me, knowing its the rest of All Time Low I walk a little faster and grabs one of my guitars and starts sound check. 

Jack, Rian and Zack realize that I'm playing Time Bomb and start playing along with me. After going through a couple of our songs I stop playing and puts my guitar down and walks off stage and sits on a couch.  The guys follow me over to the couch, Rian and Zack going off to get food as Jack stands in front of me and glares down at me angrily. 

"The fuck do you want?" I ask angrily. Jack rolls his eyes and looks over at Rian and back at me. 

"I am fucking sick of you treating Grace like trash on the side of the road, dont be such a fucking ass wipe and go and apologize." I laugh humorlessly and shakes my head. 

"Fuck no, shes the one who was ignoring me, not the other way around." I say blankly and stands up but is suddenly pushed back onto the couch. 

"Fucking apologize Gaskarth, shes pregnant and she doesnt need the stress." I ignore him and stands up, walking passed him and back towards the bus to get away from him.  Once I get to the bus I storm on, walking towards my bunk but stops when I hear groans of pain coming from a couple bunks down. I look towards the source of the sound and walks over to it and kneels in front of it and looks into the bunk worriedly. 

"Grace?" she looks up at me and whimpers in pain before I lean down and picks her up gently, walking towards the front of the bus again. "Whats wrong sweetie?" I ask her as she hugs around my neck tightly. 

"Stomach.. hurts.." I look down at her stomach and back at her and walks a little quicker out of the bus and grabs my phone. I call Flyzik and waits for him to answer before saying quickly: "going to the hospital. Wont make it to the show." before hanging up and putting my phone on do not disturb.  

"We'll be at the hospital soon Bub." I say calmly, putting my hand on her lap and holding her hand. "Dont worry, you'll be fine.." she nods and moves onto her side and holds her stomach with her hands. 

-Graces P.O.V- 

We arrive at the hospital and Alex carries me carefully. I need Jack, somethings wrong with the Baby and he needs to be here, he is the father after all. I close my eyes as another cramp hits me hard. "Take deep breaths Baby." my brother tries to calm me down but hes not the one I want, I just want to be left alone, I just want my baby to be okay. 

"Need.. Jack.." I say as I follow Alexs advice and takes deep breaths. Alex sighs and nods, sitting me down on a seat in the emergency room and grabs his phone from his pocket, obviously calling Jack and pulling his phone up to his ear. 

"Jack you need to come to the hospital.. Grace needs you.. please just come you ass.. okay.. bye.." I listen to Alex as he has a conversation with my boyfriend. 

"Hes coming?" I ask hopeful.

"Hes coming." 

I Miss You {sequel to Was It Real?}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora