Not Again

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~Graces P.O.V~

I stared blankly at the TV screen, not believing what was happening. This cant be happening. No.. this isnt happening, its not. I know its not. They're lying, this is a recording. Jacks going to jump out and tell me this is all just a cruel joke.

Before I knew it I was sobbing into Rians shoulder, crying my eyes out. He rubbed my back as I moved to sit in his lap, red eyed and loud cries echoing around the room. Rian whispered calming words into my ear and I calmed down slightly. I stay in his hold as tears roll down my already tear stained cheeks.

"I'm home!" I hear Alex call from the front door. I stay in Rians grip, his strong arms are as comforting as they always have been. He continues to rub my back as I listen to Alex walk into the loungeroom. Keys drop to the floor and he rushes to my side. "Grace??" I ignore his question, but crawl onto his lap as he wraps his firm, comforting arms around me. "What happened, Grace?" I shake my head and cling to his black Glamour Kills top.

It takes me a couple minutes to calm down before I move my face from Alexs neck. He looked at me though red and teary eyes. I realise how much I've worried him and wipe his eyes with my thumb. He takes my hand in his and holds it in his lap, looking down as he rubs the back of my hand, making patterns with his thumb.

"What happened?" He asks, a worried tone showing through his voice.

"I-He-They-Dead." I stuttered out, bursting into tears again, as I clung to his top. He rubs my back and leans back on the couch as I pull my knees up to my chin, laying on his chest. Rubbing my back, he kisses my forehead and sits up again, holding me like a baby.

"Should Rian tell me?" he asks, still worried. I only nod in reply and look at the man across the couch, with tear stained cheeks. "Go on, Rian." Alex looks at him, worriedly.

"W-We were watching the news and there was a plane crash.. It was the plane that Mike and the others were on.." Alexs eyes widden and I hug him tighter. He pulls me into his lap and holds me tight.

"I know its bad, but they might have survived. You shouldnt just assume things, Bub." I shake my head and tears continue to stream down my face.

"There were only eight survivors Alex! They could all be dead right now!" I scream out in tears.

"Or they could be four of the eight survivors. You havent seen them, you dont know. You cant juse assume the worst.." I continue to cry into Alex's top and he rubs my back calmingly.

"I cant help but assume the worst when my Del died a couple months ago Alex! I cant help it!" I regreat the words as soon as they leave my mouth as both the men infront of me tense at her name. Tear spring out of my eyes as I mumble "I-I'm sorry.." I run out of Alexs lap and towards the stairs before running up them too and run into my room. I flop onto the bed and tears spill from my eyes, a mile a minute.

My gaze goes to my phone on the bed side table and I stand from the bed, walking towards it and picking it up. I spin it around in my hands and look at my phone screen, showing a picture of Alex, Del and I when Del was in the hospital. The image brings tears to my eyes again and I pull the cover off my phone and grab the razor, holding it semi- tightly before dragging it across my left fore arm.

When im finished I put the razor back in my phone case and snap the case ontothe phone before going to the bathroom connected to my room and looking at myself in the mirror, I realise what a failure I am. Tears spring to my eyes again and I glance at the corner of the mirror, gasping as I see a familiar face, staring down at my cuts. I flinch away and pull my hands to my chest, hiding the cuts.

"Grace.." Jack says, clearly upset. I shake my head and he slowly walkstowards me, wrapping me in a hug. "I-I saw the news.." I pinch my eyes shut, begging myself to not start crying again as my head is starting to hurt from my previous crying. "Dont assume the worst, Baby. I know its hard but please.. they will be okay.." I nod, not trusting my voice and pull away slightly.

"D-Do you know where the survivors are?" He nods and sighs before mumbling, "Baltimore St Marys" (I really dont know.. I made it up.. dont judge im aussie xD).

"C-Can we go see if they're there?" He nods and pulls me close again. I squeeze him tight and we just stand there listening to eachothers heart beats.

A/N: god damn it's been a while since I've updated anything on wattpad! Sorry for the wait guyss D: hope Yas like et.

Next chapter we're finding out if any of zee Mexicans survived D: AHHH I'm sah scareddd. But I wouldn't kill off PTV.. would I?! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!

Tune in next time for the dramatic hospital visit


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