Chapter 21

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"You did well in that assessment, Darkpaw. That move you used to take down that vole and impressive." Crimsonclaw praised as Darkpaw carried his catches over to the Prey Pile.

Darkpaw dropped the prey from his jaws and it landed on the pile. "Thanks Crimsonclaw." He ducked his head to his mentor.

"I'll take you out for battle training later. For now, take time to rest." Crimsonclaw said.

Darkpaw nodded and padded off.

The sun warmed Darkpaw's black pelt as he followed Crimsonclaw toward the Abandoned Badger Set. 

"Alright, Darkpaw. Today we'll be practicing the Badger Defense move." Crimsonclaw explained, when the reached it.

Darkpaw nodded, excitement prickling his fur and tingled in his claws. 

"What you want to do is leap over your opponent, turn on your back legs and bite your opponent's leg. This is only used when fighting badgers." Crimsonclaw explained. "Try it out on me." 

Darkpaw crouched down and leapt up. He flew over Crimsonclaw and turned. He then sunk his teeth into Crimsonclaw's leg, tasting a small amount of blood. Darkpaw let go and looked up at Crimsonclaw, who was flexing his back leg.

"Good, again." 

Darkpaw repeated the same thing he had done and bit Crimsonclaw's other back leg. His teeth glimmered as the sun hit them and exhilaration fizzled through them.

"You're doing great. Take a couple minutes to rest." Crimsonclaw went on to lick his back leg wounds.

"I am sorry if I bit you too hard." Darkpaw meowed to his fox mentor. 

Crimsonclaw looked at him, a small smile on his face. "It's alright. I'm okay."

Darkpaw searched his mentor's gaze and then nodded. He then began batting leaves out of the sky that blew over from FernClan's forest.

The faint crinkling of grass made Darkpaw's ear prick up. Shadowripple was standing in front of him, his tail swishing back and forth.

"I see your mentor is teaching you the Badger Defense." Shadowripple cast a glance at Crimsonclaw.

Darkpaw nodded. Shadowripple smiled as he caught sight of the bite marks. "Good work, my apprentice." He purred, turning back to Darkpaw. "You know, the Dark Forest has a more advanced version of that move." 

Darkpaw ear's pricked up. "You do?" 

Shadowripple nodded. "Mhm. Would you like to learn it?"

"Of course!" Darkpaw's eyes shone with anticipation.

"Alright. So you do everything in the normal move but when your leaping over your opponent, rake your claws down their back." Shadowripple explained. "Come on. Attack me." 

Darkpaw slid out his claws, a smirk forming on his lips. He bunched his hunches under himself and leapt. He got to the point where he was over Shadowripple's back. Darkpaw slashed his claws down his mentor's back and landed. He spun around and sunk his teeth into Shadowripple's leg.

"Very good." Shadowripple praised, kicking Darkpaw away with a flick of his back paw.

Darkpaw sat up and licked the blood from his claws.

"You're progressing very well, Darkpaw." Shadowripple purred, cuffing Darkpaw over the ear. Darkpaw beamed, pride expanding throughout his body. "When do you think Adderstar will make you a warrior. Is had to be soon, can't it?" 

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