Chapter 24

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Darkblood was washing himself outside the Warrior's den, the chilly leaf-fall breeze gripped his fur. FoxClan was stalking up on prey before the frigid leaf-bare set in, sending out more patrols and such.

Glancing up from his washing, Darkblood noticed Sagetalon was talking with Adderstar and Swanfeather, with his mate Mistberry pressed up against him. The couple looked overjoyed about something.

Swanfeather was nuzzling Mistberry and purring, while Adderstar was nodding with a small smile on his face, as Sagetalon was talking with him.

With a flick of his tail, Adderstar leapt onto the Meeting Rock and called to the clan with the usual summons. 

Once the clan had gathered, Sagetalon rose to his paws and jumped onto the stone beside Adderstar.

"Sagetalon has something to announce to you all." Adderstar explained, nodding to the brown tabby beside him.

"My mate, Mistberry is expecting kits!" He meowed, his eyes shone with love and affection as he locked eyes with his silver-furred mate.

Meowed and purrs of congratulations moved through the clan.

Darkblood's fur rippled as the the word kits echoed within his mind. Those kits will have a loving family... Unlike me... Their lucky in a way, I guess.... Darkblood thought, digging his claws into the ground.

"That's all. Get back to hunting." Adderstar ducked his head and jumped down off of the stone.

Darkblood shoved his way through the crowd of cats surrounding Sagetalon and Mistberry. "Congratulations." He meowed quietly. 

"Thank you, Darkblood." Sagetalon dipped his head.

Mistberry gave him a soft smile, seeming to sense his discomfort.

Darkblood ducked his head to the couple and padded off to the side of the clearing.

He saw Stormhawk assigning patrols by the Prey Pile. Darkblood shook out his black pelt and padded up to him. 

"Stormhawk, I was wondering if maybe I could go hunting, perhaps lead a patrol?" Darkblood meowed once he reached the blue-gray tom.

Stormhawk turned his smoldering amber gaze on Darkblood, his mouth turned down into a frown. "Fine. Take Sagetalon, Duskheart, and Crimsonclaw with you." He grumbled to the warrior.

Darkblood nodded and waved with his tail to Sagetalon, Duskheart, and Crimsonclaw, who were padding up from the Warrior's den.

"You'll be hunting with Darkblood today." Stormhawk growled, after the three warriors glanced at one another in confusion.

Darkblood smiled in satisfaction as he saw a smile cross Crimsonclaw's face.

"Let's head out." He meowed, flicking his tail.

Crimsonclaw met his former apprentice's gaze. "Lead the way, Darkblood." 

Darkblood blinked at him and led the way out of FoxClan's camp.

The breeze whistled through the brittle grass as the patrol came to a halt.

"Spread out and hunt." Darkblood commanded, gazing around at his patrol. The three members nodded and padded off in different directions. Darkblood watched them. The chill of leaf-fall curled around him, engulfing him in a cold cloud. He felt powerful. He was able to command his clanmates.

Just wait until your leader, Darkblood... Darkblood could hear the very faint whisper of Shadowripple's voice on the breeze. Yes... wait until that day... The dark warrior agreed, his claws twitching.

A hiss of annoyance broke into Darkblood's inner monologue with Shadowripple. He glanced over to see Sagetalon standing a few tail-lengths away, his tail lashing swiftly back and forth. Darkblood padded over to him and let his tail brush against the brown tabby's flank.

"What's the matter?" He asked, quietly. 

"I was stalking a rabbit and my tail brushed against the grass. It heard me and ran that way." Sagetalon pointed to a gap in a patch of longer grass.

"Sometimes stalking doesn't always work in the fields." Darkblood explained and smiled inwardly, as Sagetalon glanced at him with interest. "Let me show you another way." He suggested, going back to his Dark Forest training.

"Okay!" Sagetalon purred, his annoyed face breaking into a grin.

"Let's follow that rabbit." Darkblood cocked his head toward the gap. 

Sagetalon nodded and Darkblood crept his way through the grass. He stopped when he poked his head out and saw the rabbit nibbling on a small patch of heather. Sagetalon came up on his left and came to a halt. Their pelts brushed against each other's as they crouched and remained still. 

"Now, when you think the time in right, dart out and run at it, use the element of surprise. Give it a bite to the neck at running speed." Darkblood whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

Sagetalon nodded and locked his eyes on the rabbit. Darkblood watched as Sagetalon slid his claws out. After a moment, Sagetalon burst out of the grass, he went haring toward the rabbit and slashed his claws across the prey's throat as he passed. The rabbit squealed in alarm and then let out a gurgled cry as Sagetalon spun back around and sunk his teeth into the its neck. Blood spurted from the wound and splattered against Sagetalon's muzzle.

For a moment, a thought crossed Darkblood's mind. He'd make a fine Dark Forest warrior with the proper words and training...

He watched as Sagetalon pulled his head up, the limp rabbit dangling from his jaws.

"Let's get back to the others." Darkblood said, motioning for Sagetalon to follow him.

Darkblood tucked his paws under him, starlight shone into the den from the hole above. The soft snores from the warriors surrounded him. Darkblood stifled a laugh as Wolfblaze let out a loud snort.

Darkblood laid his head down and curled his tail around his body. He felt darkness engulf him and he fell into sleep.

The familiar mist curled around his body once Darkblood opened his eyes. The leafless trees creaked above him. 

"Hello, Darkblood."

Darkblood stood up and turned around. A pair of familiar gray eyes met his.

"Hello, Shadowripple."

"I've been watching your progress as a warrior." Shadowripple purred. "I'm impressed. Come, walk with me." Shadowripple flicked his tail. Darkblood feel into step beside his shadowy companion as they began trekking through the dark woods. "You're also quite good at training cats." Shadowripple glanced over at him. "Have you wondered when you're going to get an apprentice?" 

Darkblood's fur rippled in surprise and he met his mentor's gaze. "I-I haven't. Why do you ask?" 

A sly smile crawled onto Shadowripple's face. "If you think you're ready, would you be interested in passing on the dark ways to young cats? I have a few cats in mind that would do wonderfully."

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