Chapter 31

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Needles whipped at Pinepaw's pelt as he ran through the sap-smelling forest.

I can do this! I can do this! It's time for DuskClan to show the other clans what we're made of! Pinepaw heart beat faster at the thought of DuskClan looking strong in the eyes of their rival clans.

The brown apprentice's spirits only kept lifting as the camp came into sight. Pinepaw maneuvered his way through the interlocking branches that protected the cats of DuskClan.

The comforting scent of his clanmates wreathed around Pinepaw as he gazed around the clearing, looking for Cherrystar. 

His fellow apprentices, Daypaw (a pale yellow tabby she-cat with darker yellow stripes and amber eyes), Nettlepaw (a dark gray tom with dark green eyes), and Fawnpaw (the medicine cat apprentice; a light brown tabby she-cat with pale green eyes), were all seated outside the Apprentice's Den, which was a sheltered area beneath a clump ferns and some over-hanging vines, sharing a mid-afternoon vole. A hunting patrol must have been out already.

"Hey Pinepaw, where were you?" 

Pinepaw jumped, his mentor has come up beside him. 

"Eaglebranch!" Pinepaw yelped. Overcoming his scare, Pinepaw started talking. "I was out exploring the borders. You never know when another clan might take advantage of us."

Eaglebranch twitched an ear and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Okay." His mentor paused. "Just tell me next time, or ask a warrior to go with you, alright?"

Pinepaw ducked his head to his tan striped mentor. Eaglebranch's green eyes studied Pinepaw for a few moments longer before he turned and went off to a small group of warriors. 

"Wait, Eaglebranch! I-I was wondering where Cherrystar is." Pinepaw started, quickly.

"Cherrystar? She's in her den. Why do you ask?" The deputy flicked his tail at the screen of needles that shielded the inside of the den from view. The Leader's Den was an area between the side of the Stump and the screen of needles that formed the walls.

"I have something I must share with her." Pinepaw replied, his tail flicking back and forth.

"Then by all means, go and see her." Eaglebranch meowed.

"Thank you." Pinepaw ducked his head to the clan deputy. With that, Pinepaw padded off toward the Leader's Den. "Cherrystar?" Pinepaw stood outside the den, calling his leader's name softly.

"Come in." 

Pinepaw's heart leapt as he padded inside. His light brown leader with pinkish eyes was lying on nest of needles and moss, which was lined with pine cones. 

"Is there something you need, Pinepaw?" Cherrystar blinked her pink eyes at the young apprentice.

Pinepaw took a few deep breaths before sharing his idea.

"Overstep our boundaries..?" Cherrystar said, slowly, after Pinepaw had finished. "Are you sure?"

"It would not only help us through leaf-bare but boost DuskClan's reputation." 

"I can get behind what you're thinking but..."

"Please.." Pinepaw pleaded, leaning forward. "I just want DuskClan to be seen as more..." He paused, his mind going back to a moment in the Dark Forest. "Our clan could be something great... The other clans could see us as something..." Pinepaw stiffened as his heard his voice slip easily into the velvety and convincing tone that Shadowripple used. 

It scared him.

Something sparked in Cherrystar's eyes, and she rose to her full height.

"You're right, Pinepaw. It's time our clan shows the others that we are more than what they think."

Is she only saying that because I convinced her otherwise...? Pinepaw shivered. His mentor Darkblood was different from Shadowripple. He, Pinepaw, didn't want to be like that shadowy cat. He wanted to be like Darkblood. A great warrior, worthy of StarClan.

"I'll announce this to the clan." Cherrystar broke into his haze. With that, Cherrystar padded out of her den at a quick pace.

"Wait! What clan are we chosing? Cherrystar?" Pinepaw questioned, racing after her. 

Not FoxClan or CreekClan... Not FoxClan or CreekClan... I can't move against Darkblood or Silverpaw...

"Let all cats gather here beneath the Stump for a clan meeting!" Cherrystar's yowl rang through the camp, from where she sat on the Stump.

The clan began to gather around the Stump as they heard Cherrystar's summons.

"An idea had been brought to my attention, an idea that will make DuskClan respected by the other clans. So after some consideration, I have decided that we will show the other clans we are not weak! We will step into their territories to show them we are not afraid!"

Cheers of approval rose the surrounding cats.

"Which clan are we going for?" Nettlepaw asked, from where he sat beside his mentor, Oakeye.

Cherrystar gazed around for a few moments, her eyes landing on something in the distance. Pinepaw followed her gaze and his heart seemed to stop, when he saw what his leader was staring at. Cherrystar's eyes were locked directly on the fields that could be seen through the sparse forest.

"We'll start with FoxClan." Cherrystar responded, turning back to her clan. "Meeting dismissed!" She yowled, leaping down from the Stump. 

As the clan dispersed, Pinepaw felt his stomach drop into his paws. What is Darkblood going to think...? Darkblood, I'm so sorry...

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