Chapter 3

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Darkkit stared down at Firefox's battered body, grief rendered him motionless. He slowly lifted his gaze up to Firefox's attacker. What Darkkit saw shocked him, that cat looking back at him was a black tom with blazing amber eyes and a scarred muzzle. He was muscular and the frightening thing was that this cat looking identical to Darkkit himself.

The tom's amber eyes gleamed in the sunlight and he launched himself at Darkkit with his claws out, which were stained red with blood. 

Darkkit was pinned to the ground and he let out a yelp of terror. 

The cat clawed at his chest, reaching for his heart, Darkkit guessed, as he tried and failed to get away. The larger tom eye's met his. Amber met amber. The black warrior's eyes went wide as he looked at the small black kit beneath him. 

Darkkit swore by Starclan that he saw a glimpse of realization cross his attacker's face. 

The black tom scrambled off of Darkkit and stepped back into his own territory. 

Darkkit hauled himself up and felt a flash of anger shoot through his veins. It was instantly replaced with a wave of grief as his amber eyes landed on Firefox. Her orange fur was slick with wet blood and her pelt was rising and falling the slightest bit. She was alive!

Darkkit shot over to her and buried his nose in her shoulder fur. Firefox's eyes opened and she looked up at Darkkit. 

"Darkkit..." She took in a shuddery breath. 

Darkkit placed both of his front paws on her neck wound, in an effort to stop the bleeding. 

"Don't try to talk." He breathed, putting pressure on the wound.

Firefox didn't even flinch, her eyes were locked on Darkkit. 

The only sounds were their breathing as they inhaled and exhaled. 

Firefox held Darkkit's gaze one last time before closing her eyes, and her head slumped back down to the ground.

Fresh grief crashed down on Darkkit and he buried his head in her fur. Tears rolled down his cheeks and splashed down on Firefox's pelt. 

A newfound rage filled his body as he knew that her killer was right in front of him. 

Darkkit was about to leap at the large tom and make him feel his wrath, but he was stopped as the sound of crinkling grass flowed into his ears. 

Darkkit turned around and saw a Foxclan patrol running toward him. In the patrol there was Crimsonclaw, Wolfpaw, Adderstar, the clan leader, Thornscar, and Stormhawk, the clan deputy.

The patrol came to a stop next to Darkkit and glared at the enemy warrior. Darkkit shrank back up to a trunk of a tree, as they shoved past him.

Crimsonclaw's eyes landed on Firefox's body, and he let out a yelp of surprise. The rest of the patrol followed his gaze. 

Thornscar's green eyes drifted to Darkkit and she bared her teeth. Thornscar leapt at her son and sunk her teeth into his ear, she swung Darkkit into the tree behind him. Darkkit felt his ear rip and fresh blood drip down his chest.

"What did you do!" She demanded, raising her unsheathed claws at him. 

Darkkit shrank back, whimpering.

"I-I... I don't-" He stammered. 

"Thornscar back down!" Adderstar growled at his warrior. 


The patrol turned and saw the Fernclan cat staring at Thornscar in disbelief. 

"Scarfur..." Thornscar breathed. 

"Mom...?" Darkkit said, his gaze flickering between his mother and the Fernclan cat.

The Fernclan cat turned his gaze to Darkkit, and a smirk appeared on his face. He turned back to Thornscar. 

"Hello Thornscar, this must be our son..."

Darkstar's Wrath - A Faith's Journey Super EditionWhere stories live. Discover now