Chapter 34

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Darkblood stared down at Pinepaw, who had his green eyes locked on Wildtalon.

"I would become a warrior here...?" Pinepaw whispered, looking down at his paws.

"Indeed you would." Scarfur nodded to him.

Darkblood waited for Shadowripple to add something, but the gray-eyed warrior stayed silent, not meeting Darkblood's eyes.

Pinepaw still hadn't looked up, seeming to be thinking it over. Darkblood's fur prickled with unease as he saw Wildtalon and Scarfur share a look, smirking at each other, from across the clearing.

Pinepaw drew his head up and met Wildtalon's gaze. "W-Who?" Pinepaw hid the stammer well, but Darkblood could tell it was there. 

And it hurt. It hurt to see his apprentice in this situation. 

"Me." Wildtalon replied, smiling at Pinepaw, with all his white fangs showing.

"You would die just to see an apprentice has have an assessment?" Darkblood questioned, taking a step forward, angling his body slightly in front of Pinepaw.

If it was even possible, Wildtalon's smile grew even larger, and his claws twitched in anticipation, as if he hadn't had a fight in moons.

"If it means the Dark Forest will prosper... Then yes."

"That's sick..." Darkblood hissed under his breath. 

"I-I'll do it..." Pinepaw replied, his voice quiet.

"What!" Darkblood and Silverpaw gawked at the brown apprentice, their mouths hanging open in shock.

"A-Are you sure!?" Silverpaw sputtered in a whisper.

Pinepaw turned his head and met both of their gazes with his own.

"I have to." He meowed, simply.

"No, you don't!" Silverpaw protested, her mew growing louder.

Darkblood drew his tail over his frantic apprentice's muzzle. "Shh..." He murmured.

"Is this truly what you want, Pinepaw?" Darkblood asked, lowering his head to look his apprentice in the eyes.

Pinepaw avoided his mentor's eyes and stared at his paws.

"I just have to..." He repeated. After a moment, Pinepaw raised his gaze to look at Darkblood. "It's what you would do."

Darkblood held Pinepaw's gaze, sweeping his tail over the brown cat's side, as he did so. Darkblood felt his heart twist unnaturally in his chest, as he saw water glistening in Pinepaw's green eyes. The water was gone in an instant as Pinepaw blinked his eyes. 

Silverpaw had came forward to stand in front of Pinepaw. The two apprentices held gazes, until suddenly, Silverpaw darted forward and pressed her muzzle against Pinepaw's.

"Be careful.." She murmured to him.

"You know us DuskClan cats," Pinepaw chuckled softly, as she pulled away. "We have a reputation for being careful."

"Don't break it." A small smile broke across Silverpaw's face before she grew serious again.

"I'm ready to do this." Pinepaw meowed, ducking his head to Darkblood and Silverpaw.

"Are you ready to pledge your allegiance to the Dark Forest?" Scarfur questioned, as Pinepaw stepped closer to Wildtalon in the center of the clearing.

Pinepaw nodded, his eyes not straying from the icy blue of Wildtalon's.

"Then fight, and join our ranks." Scarfur said, the volume of his voice rising.

Pinepaw took a deep breath and began to circle Wildtalon.

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