Man or dog?

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Sirius walked nervously next to his former schoolmate. Would it get to him now?
Again and again he looked up at the man. But he couldn't see anything in his expression. Neither knowledge nor anger.
Severus only addressed him in the garden.
"Come on, run."
Confused, the dog looked up, should that mean the man didn't know yet?
Sirius immediately made his way behind a tree. Because that was definitely necessary.
then he ran around a few more laps in the garden.
When he looked around, he recognized Severus on one of the benches. He was just putting his wand back in his pocket. What had he done with that thing?
suddenly the Potions Master turned to him.
"Come here, Blacky!"
With a queasy feeling he followed the request and sat down on his hind paws right in front of Severus.

Severus could taste the dog's nervousness right away. no wonder, he must have been really scared.
"Blacky, I know you are an Animagus."
The reaction followed promptly. Not that the animal turned into a human or attacked him, far from it. blacky threw himself flat on the floor, whimpered and crawled towards him.
Fortunately, Severus had read his student's dog books. Partly out of interest, but also partly because he kept finding the dog's behavior strange.
in any case, he knew what the gesture meant. Blacky wanted to appease him, to make him forgive. All of this confirmed his suspicions.
“I take this as a yes. Do you want to change back into your human form? "
blacky slowly straightened up and shook his head.
“I already thought so. Are you a fan of the little one? "
The dog shook its head again and growled slightly. if a dog could look offended, then Blacky did the feat.
"Good, but you want to be around Mr. Potter."
There was no question about it, so the dog cocked its head.
“All right, here is my suggestion. I am casting a spell on you that will make it impossible for you to attack Mr. Potter. In fact, I've already done that. If you try you will be in a lot of pain.
Furthermore, I will apply a saying to you that will hold you in your current form. If you want to transform yourself back, you have to somehow tell me. Sure so far? "
the Animagus had let the whole thing go through his animal head. It was clear that he was looking for a trap. But there wasn't.
Then the animal nodded.
"Another. we will now go to your current confidante and tell him about your true nature. "
Immediately the dog began to whine and to throw itself on the floor. He turned and showed his stomach.
“Now calm down again. Don't you think the little one has a right to know who he's sleeping with in bed. Do not look at me like that. I know that it is. "
Blacky slowly straightened up. He padded up to him and looked at him with wide pleading eyes.
“No, I'm not going to lie to him. You heard what he said about his relatives. And it was your idea to go to the bank again. Do you really want to put yourself on the same level as Dumbledore now? "
the dog hung its head, almost ashamed.
Severus reached out and scratched the soft ears. This seemed to surprise the Animagus.
“Hey, he made friends with a book that tried to bite him. he even gave it a name. Do you think he'll chase you away? I think he doesn't even care. "
The animal carefully licked his hand.
"Alright then, come."

In the room the two saw Harry. or rather, they saw today's newspaper, which was just floating in the air. In the next moment it folded into a fan so that you could see the boy behind it.
"Good Potter, you are making progress."
The boy grumbled.
"I wanted to fold a flower."
Severus grinned, his student's honesty surprising him.
"Stop doing the exercises for a moment, we have to talk."
Harry looked at his teacher with wide eyes and theatrically clutched his chest.
"Oh no, I knew you wanted to break up with me!"
Severus almost sat down next to his chair.
"You're welcome? What's the nonsense? "
"Why nonsense, that's exactly how the conversations start when it comes to the end of a relationship."
"You watch too much TV."
“I never watch TV, you don't need to, you just need Hogwarts. Relationship dramas without end. "
Severus rolled his eyes.
"Can we come to the topic now, please?"
“Sure, but first I have one more question. draco Mal ..., um I mean Black, you turned thirteen on June 5th. But we still had school there. When did he get the ring? "
Severus was surprised that the boy was interested, and he was also amazed at the soft growling of the Animagus. but he answered anyway.
"Draco's birthday has been celebrated on July 5th ever since he went to Hogwarts."
“Thanks, I just wanted to know. And what did you want to discuss with me? "

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