Three men vs. wild magic

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Three men vs. wild magic

Punctually after breakfast the next morning there was a knock on the door. Since the room was still under a spell, it could only be Remus.
"It's open Moony", Sirius asked him in.
After greeting everyone, Remus looked around the room.
“The two rooms are still connected to each other. Wasn't that annoying while sleeping? "
"Don't ask," grumbled Severus.
Harry looked at his teacher, embarrassed.
"Did I bother you?"
"Not you, but your godfather said he had to try MY bed in the middle of the night."
Harry and Remus looked at the Animagus in disbelief.
"Um paw, why is that? And please tell me that you are at least in your dog form. "
"First of all, my dear Remus, my new name is Blacky. I think it fits a lot better than the old ones. And as for sleeping, yes, I was traveling as a dog. "
“And why did you switch to Professor Snape? wasn't it cozy enough for me? "
"Harry, please stop saying that."

The boy grinned at his teacher.
"Why, because that would mean you're cuddly?"
“Exactly. the flea catcher couldn't even be shaken off and I was too tired to reach for my wand. "
Remus giggled.
“Psychologists would now call that an excuse. As a bad one too. "
"Not just psychologists," Harry grinned and was thrown a pillow. "
“Impossible brat. But I would also be interested in why you preferred my company to that of your godson. "
Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and stared angrily at Harry's bed.
"Because of that!"

The three followed the gaze.
"What's Beast got to do with it?" Harry wanted to know.
"Quite simply, it used my rod as a bite toy."
"Fortunately for you only your rod," Harry smirked.
Severus snorted and Remus couldn't hold back the laugh either.
“Yeah, just make fun of me. Who the heck created this book? And why does it chew in its sleep? or even better, why is it sleeping at all? "
Harry went to his book and stroked the cover. Beast began to coo.
“I suspect the author is responsible for the magic. it is probably the same magic with which the pictures are brought to life. "
The other two agreed. Sirius was still looking hostile at the book.
"Still, my tail isn't there to chew on."
harry had to bite his lip hard not to ask what he was there for.
Severus saw exactly what was on his student's mind, but he too bit back a comment.

"And what do we start with today?Harry wanted to know after a while.
“The first thing I do is give the wolf its potion. Here, you have to take it for the next three days, then you will be a good little wolf on full moon. "
Remus sniffed the steaming goblet, then tried it
"If it works as good as it tastes bad, then I am rid of all my worries."
Severus snorted.
“I can't do anything for the taste. I didn't develop the potion, I just brewed it. "
"If you'd developed it, Moony wouldn't have his furry problem anymore."
The Potions Master looked at Sirius in surprise.

"I'll agree with you, I'm just amazed that you see it the same way."
the former marauder shrugged.
"You were always brilliant in this subject."
Remus grinned, his wolf nose telling him that wasn't the only reason for the compliment. his best friend was giving off a lot of pheromones, but he was sure not to say anything. Especially since Sirius wasn't the only one.
He emptied the goblet and then got back to the real topic.

"Well, so we have to make sure Harry gets a grip on his wild magic. And preferably before he turns his fans into swede out of anger. "
"Then at least they'd be good for something," Severus muttered.
Harry and Sirius nodded.
“I can understand your attitude, I've read some newspaper articles. Well, what have you been doing so far? "
Severus sat down and picked up some books.
“I gave Harry these to read. And he practiced a little. "
“With the result that he now has a strand of white in his hair. Not very effective, don't you think? "
"Lupine, he's got the streak because he freaked out because of wormtail," the Potions Master snapped back.
"Okay, okay, I got it, but we have to make sure Harry can use his power. Or do you want the minister to prescribe a teacher for him? "
All three shook. they could only imagine too well what that would mean.
"Well, I would suggest we split the tasks."

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