The beetle's core

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"Finite Incantatem," came Severus' order.
Several other spells were cast at the same time. Harry paid no more attention to it. He only cared about the beetle.
the Animagus spell was canceled immediately. However, it was not yet possible to tell who the person was. It was the fault of the other spells that now reached their destination.
when the lights went down again, everyone stared at the person lying there in the middle of the floor.
She was handcuffed and clearly suffered from full body paralysis. That was not all.
"Who gave her the gag?the green-eyed one wanted to know.
"That was me. Could have been that she could do magic without a wand. "Remus said, not feeling guilty.
"I don't think so with this person." It came from Lucius angrily. he stared into the ground at the woman before him. And if she could, she would probably have crawled under the table in panic.
"How dare you sneak up on my son?" It came in a whisper from Severus.
"Um, I think she can't speak well with the gag." Sirius pointed out.
"I think I'd better take it out." With that, Remus removed the gag again.

Skeeter glared around but still didn't say a word.
"I'm losing patience." Grumbled Severus.
Harry rolled his eyes.
"When it comes to your family, you seem to have misplaced your logic somehow."
"What do you mean by that?" Snarled Severus.
“He means that the good lady is still under Mr. Black's full body brace. Your mouth isn't working. ”Victor's grandma pointed out.
"Merlin, get this condition." Hagrid could be heard muttering.
these words at least eased the mood.
"I would prefer your pen to be silent."
All eyes were on Viktor.
The boy was struggling with the journalist's runaway fleet pen.
"Why do you have that part in your hand?" Draco wanted to know curiously.
“I spoke to an Expelliarmus. How should I have known this thing was responding to that? Can someone help me, the pen is trying to scribble on my face. "
while the others giggled, Hermione pulled out her wand. With a quick spell she turned the feather into a good pillow.
"Not bad Ms. Granger," praised Melina's mother.
"If Viktor has the pen, then who has the wand?Cedric wanted to know.
"I have it," announced Fleur proudly and waved the said part around.
"Be careful what you do with it." Michael warned.
Embarrassed, the young woman lowered the staff again.
Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"With my cauldrons, can we get back to our prisoners now?"
Nods from all sides.
"I'm going to take the full body brace from you now, Ms.skeeter, but I warn you, one wrong move and I will turn you into a golden prayer pickle. "

When the spell was released, the journalist let out a relaxed breath.
"Thank you, I thought you'd leave it that way. would you be so kind as to loosen the chains? I'm lying uncomfortably on my hands. "
The adults gave each other questioning glances.
“With Merlin's beard, what should I do big? You have my staff. You are also much more than that. do you think I would start fighting? "
Sirius sighed.
"You're right. Though I would have loved to see Sev turn you into a prayer pickle. Whatever that should be? "
Lucius grinned.
"Me too, our dear Severus was never particularly gifted in the subject of transformation."
“The same goes for you and herbalism. Even the sapling of a death snare almost strangled you. ”Severus shot back.
Neville burst out laughing at the idea. Even first graders couldn't usually do that.
"So what is a golden prayer pickle now?" Luna wanted to know.
“I have no idea, you are responsible for such fantasy creatures. I just couldn't think of anything else. ”Severus grumbled.

"Um guys, do you think it's so good to tell stories like that in front of a journalist?" Ron wanted to know.
In an instant it was quiet in the room.
Then everyone stared at the woman again.
“Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. Merlin, all my ancestors are turning around in their graves! ”Rita groaned.
Harry took pity and now loosened the woman's chains.
“Thank you very much, my dear friend. My boy, I won't say, I saw you glare at the director when he called you that. "
"You have better powers of observation than him," Harry said.
"Because he doesn't want to see it." It came from the journalist.
She got up off the floor and patted off her clothes. Then she looked at Beast and Crookshanks.
“A really intelligent animal. Not to mention the book. "
Rita sat down and waited. It was very clear to her that she would not get out of here without an explanation.

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