The pack invades the village

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Lucius reread the lines Harry had given him.
It had been a long time since the blonde had received such a long letter, which is why he enjoyed every word of it so much. .he just loved private correspondence. The politician also found it refreshing how awkward Harry's letter was in places. For example, the salutation as if it were necessary for the young man to write to him so formally.
.of course it was clear to Lucius that it was actually Harry who had invited him to Hogsmeade for the weekend and not his friends. Still, he had charmingly wrapped it up in a general invitation.
.of course the blonde had agreed. However, since the letter only got to him one evening before an important meeting and two days before that weekend, Lucius could not write a long reply. .he could only hope that the little one wasn't too disappointed with the rather short promise.
With such a long and entertaining letter, Harry would have deserved a much longer letter. .but the politician had also been under time pressure.

In addition, through Harry's letter, Lucius had received a great deal of information before the Ministry and the general public.
.for example, what was behind the curse that lay on the defense compartment. That had been really interesting, and Harry was right. Voldemort really hadn't fallen on his head. .the curse was very well thought out and had lasted a long time. Without the intervention of the curse breakers, and the article published yesterday, it would probably be up to five hundred years from now.
.In general, the information that the little tomcat had sent him couldn’t be outweighed by gold.
However, Lucius would never take advantage of it, he just enjoyed reading these friendly lines over and over again. .they show Harry and his friends from a slightly different side than he has known them before, but also what the student had to say about Sirius made him think.
Azkaban was really a place that could have come straight from Dante's inferno.
.but the funniest thing was what Harry had written about himself. He would never become a Werther. Did the little one know that Lucius knew this book? Certainly not, otherwise he would not have mentioned it.
.of course Harry wasn't a Werther, and he shouldn't be one under any circumstances. Not at the end that the book took.

Lucius got loud chatter from his reading. He put the letter back in his cloak and looked out into the street.
.The blond didn't have to wait long either, and all the students were storming the village like a swarm of hornets or a pack of wild dogs. And the politician was soon able to make out Harry and his fathers along with the other young people.
.severus was the first to see him and immediately headed for the politician.
"Good morning, you might think you're waiting for an appointment," teased the Potions Master.
“If I'm invited so nicely, then of course I'll come. .Incidentally, I am very pleased that you did not forbid your son to visit, ”it shot back.
"He wrote you about my threat?"
“Yes, I have heard of many other things as well. .for example he told me about this Xaver who abandoned his little snake. "
Severus raised an eyebrow.
"How long was the letter, if you please?" Asked the teacher.
Lucius took the said letter out of the cloak. .however, he did not take it out of the envelope.
"Merlin, it's a miracle that poor Hedwig didn't break her legs with the weight," groaned the jailer.
."It was a feather-light spell on it," the blonde informed him and put the letter away again.
"Is there a reason why you're lugging this thing around with you?" Sirius asked, who had joined the two men.
.lucius turned elegantly to his friend.
“You know how much I have always valued this kind of communication. I haven't received such a long letter in years. Not even from Draco when he was first year at school. .and I don't talk about all the business things, that doesn't count. "
"And, you sure didn't just want to show off that?" The former marauder assured himself.
"Of course not, you fool."

.then Lucius thought again of what the little boy had written in his letter about his father's insecurity.
“You don't need to erase anyone else's memory. .I can tell you who Severus used to meet in the clearing. "
"He wrote that to you too?" Sirius said, horrified.
"Yes he has."
"Fine, then please tell me. .and why shouldn't I put a spell on him or her? ”Sirius growled.
Severus sighed but said nothing.
“Because I'm not interested in your husband. At least not sexual, ”Lucius smirked.
.sirius stared at the blonde in disbelief, then turned his gaze to Severus.
"Why did you never tell me that?" He wanted to know.
"Because you always freaked out when the subject came up," Severus reminded him.
."Yes, but only because ..." the poor man stammered.
Severus smirked when he noticed his husband's uncertainty and put an arm behind his back.
"I know it's all right, don't worry," he whispered to him.
.lucius watched the interaction of his two friends with benevolence. Especially when he saw that Sirius leaned so trustingly on his husband and that in public.
.it made the blonde happy that these two men had found happiness together.

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