Chapter 2- Meet BTS both ways.

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when we arrived to his house, it was HUGE. My mum was so excited she forgot about me and sprang out of the car to meet her boyfriend. She knocked on the door and we both waited for the doors to open and i saw her boyfriend rushing up to her with joy sparkling in his eyes. The atmosphere of these two romancers was nothing comparable to the cold and dark atmosphere. i realised why when thousands of footsteps and heavy sighs and groans can be heard coming towards our direction. I glanced towards them emotionless to see the seven cold boys i have been seeing all day today. I clearly did not have to read their minds to know what they were thinking.

Y/M- Darling!!

Y/M/B- Honey, how nice to see you, is this your daughter?

Y/M/N- Yes. She is a bit nervous right now but once you get to know her she's a lovely girl.

There was a huge cough and we all glanced towards the seven boys.

Y/M/B- ah yes, these are my sons, i'll let them introduce themselves to you once dinner is ready.

Maid- Sir, dinner is ready.

Y/M/B- Perfect!

At dinner

We were all eating silently at the table.

BTS's dad- ah, i forgot that they haven't introduced themselves ( he death- glared them).

I read their minds and knew what they were thinking.

???- I'm Jin the eldest ( who is this girl?)

???- Namjoon 


???- Hoseok

???- Jungkook (hello, looks like we have a new toy)

???- Taehyung

???- Jimin

BTS's dad- and you can call me dad, sorry about them( he gave them a nasty look, he then smiled at me) what's your name?

Y/N- Y/N

Y/M/N- I'm sorry that she's not very chatty yet, she has somewhere to be i think and she might be concerned about making it on time.

Stepdad- it's okay, i understand, i heard you go the same school as them, (he glared at them) what are they like.

Y/N- Don't know, i haven't really been paying attention to the students at the school today. Please excuse me from the table i need to go now, it was nice meeting you stepdad.

Stepdad-before you leave, i have a announcement.

We all looked at him.

Dad- We are getting married!

Y/N and BTS- WHAT?!

Taehyung- WHY?!

Dad ignored him.

Dad- Y/N, you're staying with us but don't worry the boys will look after you.

I had a flash of black and saw myself being locked up in the basement by jimin, tae and jungkook before jin comes and rescues me.

Y/N- Okay dad, i have to go now, i'm going to be late. I'll come back by 11 so don't worry and have a nice day.

You left quickly and met dreamcatcher. You explained everything to them and prepared to meet a rival. Then when the rival came tied up in a chair.

Dami- Let's begin shall we?

whilst dreamcatcher where getting ready, you read his past and found out that BTS are mafia's and were planning to kill him today. Then you had a vision that BTS were going to leave the house at 12:30 to meet him

Y/N- Don't kill him! I'll fight of his men making sure no-one is left.

Sihyeon- No fun! Let me help you as well.

Man- Fuck off you sluts AAGH!

After a while he was knocked out and you placed him where BTS will expect him to be before heading off home. You opened the door and immediately the maknaes covered your mouth with a cloth and you passed out. You woke up and you saw black and felt cold and damp. 


Then a bright light shone in your face and you squinted to see jin carrying you up the stairs bridal style into the living you where he placed you on the couch. You could hear your stepdad shouting at his sons until jin coughed.

Jin- Dad, she's here and she's okay.

He handed the grabbed the phone from BTS and handed it to you.

Stepdad- Y/N are you okay?

Y/N- yes i am stepdad.

Stepdad- Call me dad, and i am sorry about what my sons did to you, if they hurt you again just let me know.

Y/N- Yes dad, i'll go to sleep now i am feeling a little bit tired.

Stepdad- Ah yes, goodnight sweetheart,pass the phone over to jin,

You passed the phone over and he passed your phone back to you, whilst he had a conversation for a good few minutes you scrolled through your phone.

Jin- Yes dad, we'll be there. Y/N we have to go now but i'll ask a maid to show you where you are staying, goodnight Y/N.

A maid came running through quickly and bowed to you.

Maid- This way Y/N.

She led you through to a beautiful decorated room, fir for a princess which had everything you needed.

Maid- (worried) Miss Y/N is everything alright?

Y/N- Yes it is, don't worry about my face, this is my normal expression, can i ask you a question?

Maid- Yes miss.

Y/N- I hope i don't sound rude, do you have a simpler bedroom?

Maid- Yes miss, follow me.

You went through another corridor and saw a much simpler bedroom that was still fit for a queen.

Maid- would you like this one ma'am?

Y/N- If you don't  mind then yes please.

Maid- I'll get your things moved right away.

The maid left.

Y/N- Okay, thankyou.

You collapsed on your bed after dressing yourself into your pajamas, after you set your alarms and tied your hair up, you soon fell asleep.


We arrived back home and i checked up on Y/N, she wasn't in her bedroom. 


Maid- Sir, she said she wanted a simpler bedroom, so she's just down the hall sir.

Jin- You may go.

i was about to check on her when yoongi came to me.

Yoongi- Hyung don't you think it's weird that finding him was easier than we thought? Something is going on...

Jin- I found it rather strange to, let's go to bed now though and deal with it later.

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