Chapter 27

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Courtney's POV


Courtney pointed at the four remaining guards who all stood there looking petrified at the sight before them.

Courtney- If you don't want to end up like all your other friends, i suggest you find where that freak and her friends are at once.

The guards fled and some men came and took away the dead guards bodies, Courtney flopped down on the sofa not caring about the blood on her face, putting her hands on her face.

Harry- Chill out babe, they must have not gone far, all the flights for the other parts of the world were cancelled, and we did a thorough search of the airport too.

Courtney tiredly pointed her gun at Harry

Courtney- I've told you before, not to call me babe and don't bring that up, it already is a disaster now that my stepsisters have suddenly vanished from where we located them, i don't want to hear that Y/N and her freaks have been hidden from us to.

Harry- Well, it didn't help when you-

Courtney pointed her gun again at Harry

Harry- Never mind though, all is not lost, we still have Red Velvet and Aespa on our side

Courtney- That is for certain

Harry- It's just Eunwoo though that i am worried about

Courtney- No need to mention it, we've managed to blackmail him into joining us

Harry- How though? He and Y/N are very protective of each other

Courtney- If you had to choose between your family and your love who would it be?

Harry- Nicely done Courtney

Courtney- Don't mention it, let's just try to clear up this mess that they've started.

Harry- And what would be the reward for all of this

Courtney- Power and money of course

Courtney and Harry laughed manically at there own joke.

Harry- That's why i love you babe

Courtney- Seriously stop calling me that, i feel like i am going to puke.


I was sitting down on my table laying my head against the table, waiting for the teacher and BTS to arrive

Y/N-I hate lessons at midday, they're boring and i am sleepy

???- I think you'll like this lesson then, it's chill and so is the teacher

I turned around to see a girl sitting with her phone in her hand, staring back at me.

Y/N- Oh that's a relief then

Lisa- I'm Lisa by the way

Y/N- Y/N

Lisa- I know who you are, we heard about the announcement of you being the mafia queen, also we met not long ago.

Y/N- If you mean that trap which caused death to Courtney's men that day, yes we have met.

Lisa- You know who Courtney is?

Y/N- Not ready to talk about her yet

Lisa- We have lots of time before class starts because normally everyone comes in just about on time, and also we have a sub for today so he's going to be late.

Jennie- You talking about the new sub sis?

The rest of Blackpink came in and sat down, Rose sat down behind Lisa, Jisoo sat next to you and Jennie sat down next to Lisa and behind Jisoo

Lisa- Yeah unnie, by the way this is Y/N.

Blackpink fell silent for a second

Jisoo- Nice to see you Y/N

Jennie- Y/N, the leader of the mafia gangs, Dreamcatcher and BTS?

Y/N- Yeah

Rose- How did you escape the trap that day?

Y/N- Someone informed me not to go there that day

Blackpink looked at each other

Y/N- Is there something wrong?

Lisa- No it's just there has only been one person to know how to avoid our traps.

Jennie- And that was our mum.

Y/N- What happened to her? 

Rose- She was murdered by poison

Y/N- Who would-

Jisoo- Have a guess

Y/N- Courtney?

Jennie- Close, it was Courtney's mother

Y/N- Don't worry that makes five of us

Jisoo- What do you mean?

Y/N- My mum was murdered by being drowned into the sea... a few months ago, I only just found out today.

Rose- I'm sorry...

Y/N- Besides that we have nowhere to live due to Courtney finding out all of our information

Blackpink- You can live with us

Y/N- Seriously that's great

Jin- What's great?

We all turned to see BTS coming to the room with Dreamcatcher.

Jungkook- Oh man holy shi-

Jin- Language

JiU- Since when did you guys become acquainted?

Jisoo- Since now

Taehyung- But-

Y/N- Can we talk about this later? I need to sleep.

Yoongi - So do i

Everyone except Y/N and Yoongi- Typical!

Everyone except Y/N and Yoongi talked amongst themselves whilst students came and sat in there seats.

Student 1- Geez, how many new students are there?

Student 2- I know right so many, anyway have you heard about our new sub?

Student 1- You mean Y/D/N?

I jerked my head at this name and looked at Dreamcatcher, Lisa quickly caught onto this look and so did BTS.

Jin- Would anyone care to tell me what's going on?

SuA was about to open her mouth when-

???- Quiet down please

Y/D/N appeared with a tired and anxious look on his face.

Y/D/N- I believe there are new students, can all the new students please stand up

We all stood up and I met his eyes as he glanced around the classroom. I then saw his past.

In the past

After I left the house I walked off to see my best friend Courtney's Dad. I walked up to their house and knocked on the door, no-one answered.

Your thoughts- Strange he always answers

You knocked again

You- Open the door please, I need to talk to you.

No one answered.

I pushed the door handle and surprisingly it was open. I stepped inside the house and suddenly heard screams. I was about to run to the spot when a cold hand stopped me.

??? - Got you

Everything then turned black

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