Chapter 13

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At school


When I arrived with Dreamcatcher and Astro, the first thing I saw was that everyone was whispering and staring.

Y/N- Let's just head to class guys

Eunwoo- Couldn't have said it better myself

You smiled at each other.

Handong- Is there something going on here?

Eunwoo- No!

Eunwoo and I walked quickly to the dance class leaving our friends laughing from behind.

In the Dance Classroom
We were warming up in the classroom when Aespa appeared along with the principal.

Principal- Class we have a couple of transfer students, unfortunately the final student couldn't make it today, so for now may i introduce you too Aespa.

Aespa- Hello we are Aespa.

Winter- We are looking forward to showing you our full potentials.

Principal- Thank you for that wonderful introduction, if you would like to take a seat near Dreamcatcher and Astro.  Teacher, i will leave them in your hands, please carry on as you were everyone.

The Principal left as Aespa walked over to you.

Dance Teacher- Okay class, there is an end of year performance which will count as 85% of your final grade. Be prepared for it, there will be no given concept, that will be up to you, there will also be no limit in who you can partner with. There won't be any more dance classes as of today so you can practice your performance, please make sure to email me if you have any more concerns. That will be all.

The Dance Teacher dismissed you and you all went into the canteen and sat at a large table, ignoring everyone's whispers and looks at your direction.

Giselle- So when are we going to get started on the end of year performance?

Handong- No time like the present, where shall we meet?

MJ- Well whose house is the biggest one?

Y/N- Technically, that will be mine but my house has our competitors in, and i am pretty sure they will either steal the choreography, keep you guys away from us or do something else to sabotage us.

SuA- What about our house then? You are staying in our house for a week anyway.

Karina- Sounds perfect, (low, faint voice) do you have any missions today?

Y/N- Library. Straight after school.

Rocky- Got it.

Ningning- Change of topic, is there something going on between you too? ( Pointing her fingers at Y/N and Eunwoo)

Y/N- For the infinite time no, there isn't anything between us.

Eunwoo- We are just good friends since the end of childhood.

Sanha- End of Childhood? Why not the beginning?

JiU- No more of this conversation, i know what happened and i don't want this conversation to get any deeper. So JJ?

JJ- Sup?

JiU- Tell me more about you.

JJ- Well you see...

Whilst JJ was talking you and Eunwoo were thinking back in the past to when you both became angels...

In the past

That was the last thing you saw before it all went dark, when you woke up you saw a white light and two people in front of you, one was a female young adult angel and the other one was Harry's friend, Eunwoo.

Eunwoo- Y/N, are you crazy, are you okay?

Y/N- What are you doing here? Go away!

Angel- He is here for the same reason you are.

Y/N- What is that reason? What possible reason can there be where we are both at the same level?! Don't you know what happened to me?

Angel- Calm down Y/N, I know perfectly well what has happened, might i suggest before you leap to conclusions to hear what Eunwoo has to say.

Y/N- Five minutes, this had better be worth it.

Eunwoo- Y/N, I admit i was one of the many people who started this dare, it was only because at the time i was actually CEO under my Dad's surveillance. Harry and my other friends dared me to ditch my job as the CEO for that week. In return we dared Harry to go out with a nerd or an unpopular girl. The person who would last the longest would win the dare and would be given something from the other person. I wouldn't have agreed to this dare if i had known that there was something urgent at our company. By the time i had found out, we had lost our company, Dad was livid. He lectured me and slapped me, i decided to go out and tell my friends that i give up on the dare when i saw you crying. The rest of it is history.

Y/N- After hearing that i am even more angry at you.

Eunwoo- Don't you have a little bit of sympathy?

Y/N- A tiny bit yes.

Angel- It seems that some certain people have ruined both of your lives.

Y/N and Eunwoo- People?!

Y/N- Wasn't it just Harry?

Angel- You should ask Eunwoo what happened to his company.

Y/N- What does she mean Eunwoo?!

Eunwoo- I don't know, i have told you everything i know...

Y/N- Wait, not everything, what was the company that took over your company?

Eunwoo- Real Me company.

Y/N- Who is in charge of that company?

Eunwoo- BTS or rather BTS's stepsister, Y/EF/N.

(Authors note: it means your ex friends name)

Y/N- Y/EF/N?!

Eunwoo- You know her?

Y/N- She was my friend.

Eunwoo- Was?

Y/N- Harry. This doesn't make sense why would Harry suggest that if he hadn't-Oh.

Eunwoo- What?... Wait, don't tell me...

Y/N- It's been planned.

Angel-I see everything has been cleared up, now it's my turn. You have been chosen as candidates to be angels, your mission will be given to you when it's time, be prepared, you would have  both died but since it's not your time yet I will send you back to earth, look after each other.

Flash of light blinded you and when you opened your eyes again you were in the hospital.

Y/M/N- Y/N!!!...

Back to the present

Winter- Y/N are you okay? You have zoned out for a while.

Rocky - You too Eunwoo

Handong- Maybe they are in their own little world

Y/N- Shush!!!

You were all laughing and having a good time until you felt hands on your shoulders and you were dragged away from your friends into a VIP room where Red Velvet was putting on a performance for BTS.

??? - GET OUT!

Red Velvet quickly left the room and you were flung onto the sofa, in front of you were Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jin- We need to talk...

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