Chapter 16

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Laura's Pov

It's been a few weeks and today is my 24 week checkup. I'm really excited to get to see my little man.

Ki and the guys have been working bit by bit on the nursery. But you know how they are, they'll start on something and then get bored or get distracted and want to do something else. But these are the idiots I choose to have in my life.

Ki and I are still working on picking a name for little man, but we've narrowed it down to a few top choices.

I woke up to Ki running his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him and he said, "Good morning baby girl."

"Morning KiKi." "You excited to see little man today?"

"Yeah." "I was thinking after your appointment that we could go get some more things for him."

"Like what?" "I don't know. Just some more boy stuff."

"Okay. Since you seem so eager to shop, I'm not gonna let this opportunity pass." "I'm always eager to shop for little man."

I laid my head on his shoulder and said, "I wish he was here already." "I know baby girl. But you're over halfway through. Little man will be here in 16 weeks."

"I'm just ready to have him in my arms." He put his hand on my stomach and said, "We can't rush him babe. Our little Turkey is still baking."

"You really just called our baby a Turkey." "Yeah. I did."

"You are something else Mr. Lawley." "And that's why you love me, Mrs. Lawley."

"I still never get tired of hearing you call me that." "Good. Because I'm gonna keep calling you that until the day I die."

"Can we work on the nursery when we get back?" "Babe. I told you, me and the guys have got this. You aren't supposed to be around the paint fumes anyways."

"But Ki. Whenever any of them come over and you guys try to work on the nursery, you get completely distracted and start doing something else within the hour." "There's no rush babe. We've still got time. But, I promise next time the guys come over, we'll do our best to keep our focus on the nursery."

"Okay. Also, we need to take a trip to the P.O. box soon. I keep getting emails that we have packages." "Okay babe. We can go tomorrow."

"Thank you baby." He kissed me and said, "Anything for you baby doll."

I got out of bed and went in the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth.

I went back in the room and Ki pulled me down on the bed. He kissed my cheek and said, "My sexy little baby mama."

"Ki. Stop." "What? You're just so beautiful baby girl."

"You need to get ready babe." "Okay. I'm going."

He got off the bed and went in the bathroom. I got my phone out and decided to call Corey. He's one of me and Kian's best friends and I haven't really had much time to hang out with him recently.

C- Hello sunshine

L- Hey Corey

C- To what do I owe this pleasure?

L- I just missed you. I feel like ever since me and Ki got married we haven't had time to talk to you.

C- You're living the married life. I'm not gonna be mad that you don't have as much time for me.

L- I know. But I just don't want you to forget how important you are to me and Kian.

C- Trust me. I know how important I am to you guys. You guys will always be my family.

L- Well. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out with me and Ki soon.

C- I'm free whenever.

L- Do you wanna come over for dinner tonight?

C- Sure. Dinner at the Lawleys is always a fun time.

L- Yay. I'll text you some more details once I talk with Ki.

C- Sounds good. I'll see you tonight.

L- Bye Corey.

I hung up just as Ki was walking out of the bathroom. He raised an eyebrow at me and said, "Who were you talking to?"

"Corey. I invited him over for dinner. I've really missed him." "That's fine babe. You know Corey is my dude. I would never tell you he can't come over."

"Let's get going baby. We don't wanna be late for the appointment." He helped me up and we went out to the car.

We drove to the OBGYN and then checked in for my appointment. Soon we were called back and the nurse took all of our measurements.

Once my appointment was over, we went to Target and looked for things for little man. We got a decent amount of things for little man, as well as some groceries, and went back to the house.

Ki brought everything in and I started to get things put away. Once everything was put away, I sat on the couch next to Ki and we watched a movie.

At around 5, I got off of the couch and started to make dinner. Corey is coming over at 6, and we're planning to eat around 630.

I decided on making homemade buffalo chicken pizza because it's one of our favorites to make and there's always leftovers. Corey ended up coming over while I was in the process of making the pizza.

Once the pizza was in the oven, I went in the living room and sat on the couch with the boys. Corey said, "So. Mrs.Lawley. How is my little nephew doing in there?"

"He's doing good. He isn't causing too much trouble right now." "Does he have a name yet?"

"We're still working on that. We have a few names in mind, but we haven't settled on one. For now, we're just calling him little man." "So how much longer until he makes his appearance?"

"About 16 weeks." "Oh wow. He'll be here before we know it."

"I know. I'm not sure that he'll know how to handle all of his crazy uncles." "I don't think anyone knows how to handle us."

"You got that right."

We chatted in the living room for a little bit, and soon the pizza was ready. After we ate, Corey stayed around for a little while longer, and ended up leaving around 10pm.

Once Corey left, I cleaned up the house and went upstairs. I threw my hair up in a bun and put on some athletic shorts and one of Kian's sweatshirts.

Ki came in the room and pulled me down on the bed. He kissed my cheek and said, "My beautiful baby girl."

I smiled at him and said, "I love you so much." "I love you more baby girl."

"To the moon and back." "And then back again."

"You wanna know something baby?" "What's up sweetheart?"

"Once little man is born, I really wanna get a tattoo." "Oh yeah? What kind of tattoo?"

"I have a few in mind. Like, I know I want to get a tattoo with all of our kids' names. Then I also want one that has to do with you and me, but I'm not completely sure yet." "Well. You have time to think about it. And I'll help you with it. I can talk to Romeo and maybe he'll have some ideas."

"So you support me getting tattoos?" "Of course I do baby. I mean, I'm covered in them. So having my gorgeous wife covered in tattoos would just be an added bonus."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" "Well. We met in kindergarten. Then we grew up as best friends and ended up falling in love, although neither of us knew the other liked us for a while. Then one night, I blurted my feelings out to you, and the rest is history."

"Wow. I can't wait to tell that story to our kids one day." "Me either baby doll, me either."

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