Chapter 7

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Laura's Pov

I woke up the next morning to Ki moaning. I sat up and said, "Baby? What's wrong?" "My leg."

"What's wrong?" "It has shooting pains."

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital." I got up and put my glasses and shoes on. I helped him up and grabbed our phones.

We went downstairs and went out to the car. I sat him in the back so he could prop his leg up. I got in the front seat and drove to the hospital. I parked the car and helped him into the emergency room. I got him checked in and they put him back in a bed. I sat next to his bed holding his hand.

"We're gonna figure this out baby." A nurse came over and stuck in an IV with morphine. She said, "This should help with the pain. The doctor should be over soon."

We nodded and she walked away. Ki said, "Baby. It hurts."

"I know. Just breathe. You're gonna be okay." The doctor came over to us and said, "Mr.Lawley. What seems to be the problem?"

He said, "I have shooting pains in my leg." She checked his leg and said, "Okay. We are going to have to take this cast off and take you back in for X-rays."

Ki looked at me and I said, "You will be fine babe." He nodded and the doctor said, "Okay. Let's go ahead up. Mrs. Lawley. If you wouldn't mind just waiting here. We should be back down in about 15 minutes."

I nodded and she rolled Kian off. My poor baby. I sat on my phone waiting for him and soon the doctor rolled him back. She said, "It should just be a few minutes."

I nodded and she walked away. Ki looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"You okay?" "Yeah. I can't feel the pains because of the morphine. But. I just feel so bad. I hate worrying you."

"Hey. I'm your fiancée. It's my job to make sure that you're okay. I love you." "I love you too."

The doctor came back over to us and said, "Okay. Mr. Lawley. It seems that we had misdiagnosed you when you were here a few days ago. One of our interns must've switched the X-rays. I am so sorry. The reason you are having these shooting pains is because your problem was a dislocated knee, not a break in your leg." Ki nodded and said, "So. Um. What exactly do you do for a dislocated knee?"

"Well. We are just going to pop it into place and you will have to wear a brace on it for about 6 weeks. You will have to wear it all the time. The only time it's allowed to come off is when you are showering. And if the brace is off there needs to be little to no pressure on it." He nodded and the doctor popped his knee back in.

She helped him with the brace and said, "Okay. So if you have any questions, feel free to call. Here is my card. And Mrs. Lawley as soon as you sign this you two are free to go."

I nodded and signed the sheet. She said, "Have a nice day you two." Then she left.

I helped Ki get up and we went back out to the car. We started driving home and Ki said, "Man. I loved hearing her call you Mrs.Lawley."

"You're such a dork. But I'm really glad it's just a dislocated knee instead of a broken leg." "I am too."

We pulled into the driveway and went into the house. As soon as we got inside Connor said, "Where have you guys been?"

"At the hospital. Ki had some shooting pains in his leg so we went to get it checked out. Apparently they misdiagnosed him. He only had a dislocated knee." "Well. I'm glad he's okay."

"Me too." Ki and I went upstairs and laid on the bed. I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair. He said, "I love you so much."

"I love you so much more." "You wanna know something crazy babe?"

"Sure. Tell me." "Since the day I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the girl for me. I know we were children then but I felt something. Deep down I always knew you were gonna be the girl I married and now look at us. We've been dating for seven years and now we're engaged. That's just so insane. My wildest dream came true and I got you in my life forever."

"Babe. You're so sweet. I'm literally the luckiest girl in the world." I kissed him and he started to deepen it.

I pulled out and said, "I love you." "I love you too. Even though you're a tease."

"You love when I tease you." "Think what you want. Little Kian doesn't like when you tease me."

"Well little Kian can suffer cause I love teasing you." He kissed the top of my head and said, "You should be glad I love you."

"Correction. YOU should be glad I love you." "Oh I am baby girl. I'm blessed."

I smiled at him and said, "I'm so glad I have you in my life." "You're stuck with me for life baby girl."

"Damn. Am I really?" "Haha. You're so funny."

I flipped my hair and said, "I know." Sam came in and said, "Laura! Aren't you gonna make breakfast?"

"Samuel. You guys are old enough to make your own breakfast." "But I don't wanna!"

"Stop being a baby!" He groaned and went downstairs. Ki said, "He's such a baby."

"Yes. Yes he is." He kissed the top of my head and said, "I love you so much."

"I love you too baby." "So. I know we just got engaged and everything. But when did you wanna do the wedding?"

"Maybe September 16? I mean. That'll be our eight year anniversary of us dating. Plus it's on a Saturday. So it works out perfectly." "So. We have about six months."

"We can do it. I don't really want a huge wedding. Just family and close friends." "I agree."

"I just don't know who my bridesmaids are gonna be. I mean. Of course Tab and Izzy. But I'm sure you want all the guys to be your groomsmen." "Well. You're close with Sierra, aren't you? I'm sure she would love to be one of your bridesmaids."

"I still need two more." "Hmmm. What about Karlee and Kaylee?"

"Duh. How did they slip my mind?" "Okay. That's all settled. But i need to pick my best man and you need to pick your maid of honor."

"Kaylee is gonna be my maid of honor." "I think I want JC to be my best man."

"Well. That's a big part of planning done. You need to make a group chat with the guys and I'm gonna make one with the girls. Well, after I make their bridesmaid boxes." "Please tell me I don't have to make groomsmen boxes."

"No baby. You don't need to. The bride likes to do it with her bridesmaids as a pre-wedding thank you. And it's a cute way to ask them to be bridesmaids." "Well what are you gonna put in the boxes."

"Well. A mini bottle of champagne, a little corkcicle that says bridesmaid, and I'm not sure what else. Maybe like a tank top or T-shirt that says bridesmaid." "That's cute baby."

"Is it okay if I invite them all over tomorrow? I wanna get everything done today and then have them come over for brunch tomorrow." "That's perfectly fine baby. If you want, I can get the guys out of the house while they're here."

"Are you sure?" "Yeah. Just let me know what time."

"You're the best baby." "Are you gonna do a bachelorette party?"

"I was thinking about it. I mean. Like doing it the night before the wedding. Because you know the rules, no seeing each other the day of the wedding." "That's gonna be so hard."

"You'll be fine." "Fine. So where do you wanna have the wedding?"

"Maybe my mom's beach house?" "I think that's a great idea."

"Who knew planning a wedding could be so easy?" "Don't speak too soon."

"I really think this is gonna be easy. Let me call my mom and tell her we're using the beach house." 

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