Chapter 9

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Laura's Pov

Once we had all the groceries and the bridesmaids stuff we went back to the house. We brought the groceries in first and unpacked them. Then after everything was put away we got the bridesmaids stuff and took it up to our room. Ki said, "Do you want me to help baby?"

"Would you mind?" "Of course not."

He got on the bed with me and started helping me with the boxes. I said, "Babe. What if they don't wanna be my bridesmaids?" "Why wouldn't they wanna be your bridesmaids?"

I shrugged. He said, "Don't stress about that. Just make your group chat and invite them to brunch tomorrow."

I nodded and made the group chat. I invited everyone to brunch and thankfully they all said they'll be there. Ki said, "Do you feel less stressed now?"

I nodded. He said, "Great. Now we can relax."

"Can we though?" "I was hoping so."

"We can relax. But I wanna talk about this baby thing again." "What about it?"

"What if I got pregnant before the wedding?" "What do you mean?"

"Well. We haven't been great with protection. And I'm not on the pill. So what if I'm already pregnant?" "Then we're having a baby."

"I don't wanna get you too excited. It just kind of popped in my head." "Well. Let's wait a week or two and if you start getting symptoms, we'll go buy some tests."

I nodded and said, "I might be pregnant at our wedding. I can't believe it." "You might not be. So don't stress."

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. He said, "If you are pregnant, I think maybe we should look for a house just for us. There's no room for a baby here."

I nodded. He said, "Don't get so stressed out. You don't even know if you're pregnant yet. Just calm down."

"I'm sorry. It's just stressful." "I know but there's no need in stressing yourself out over it when you might not even be pregnant."

"I know. I'm sorry." "It's okay baby. I get it. It's scary to think about being pregnant before we're married."

I kissed him and said, "I love you." "I love you too baby."

We basically just hung out for the rest of the day. There wasn't a lot for us to do. We stayed in bed and cuddled and watched Netflix. I think I ended up falling asleep around midnight.

I woke up the next morning to Ki shaking me. He said, "Babe. You need to get ready for your brunch."

I pulled the covers over my head and said, "No." "Baby. Cmon. It's 10 o'clock. The girls are gonna be here at 12:30."

"I know. But I'm sleepy." "Get up baby."

"No." He pulled the covers off me and picked me up. He said, "I'm giving you one more chance to open your eyes or I'm throwing you in the pool."

I opened my eyes and said, "I'm up. I'm up." He set me down and said, "Now go get ready."

"I want a kiss first." He leaned down and kissed me. He said, "Now go."

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. After my shower I got out and put on white distressed shorts and a red bandeau. I slid on some socks and my boots and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair out and left it to air dry. I did my makeup and went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and saw Ki was setting everything up.

"You're too good to me baby." "I just want this to be perfect for you."

"Thank you. I really hit the jackpot with you baby boy." He kissed me and said, "And so did I."

"Now go get your idiot friends out of here. The girls are gonna be here soon." He said, "I'm going." He went upstairs and came down a few minutes later with all the guys. They left and about twenty minutes later the girls showed up.

We all sat at the table and ate. Karlee said, "So what's up? There's obviously a reason you invited us all over."

"Yeah. There is. Give me a second." I went into the living room and grabbed the boxes.

I gave each of them theirs and said, "Okay. Open them." They opened them and they all immediately screamed, "Yes!"

"Yay! I have all my beautiful bridesmaids!" Kaylee said, "Who's gonna be the best man?"

"Jc is." "Ooh! Fun!"

We hung out talking for a little bit and soon the guys came home. Ki came over to me and kissed me. He said, "Hey baby girl."

"Hey baby." "Hello girls."

They all said hi to him. He said, "So how did it go baby girl?"

"Good. They all agreed. Now we just have to figure out the pairs." "We'll worry about that later. We still have six months until the wedding baby girl."

Sierra said, "So what's the actual date?" I said, "September 16."

Tab said, "And where are you doing it?" I said, "At my mom's beach house."

"That's so exciting!" We hung out for a little while longer and talked about everything and soon the girls left.

I started cleaning everything up and once it was all done, I went up to me and Ki's room. I started to clean that but he came in and pulled me down on the bed. He said, "Okay sweet pea. Everything does not need to be spotless. You need to remember you're living in a house full of boys."

"I can at least try to keep the house clean baby." "I know. But it's gonna be hard with all the guys. Especially when they wanna throw parties. We're just messy boys."

"You think I don't know that?" "I know you know that. But you also just cleaned our room like two days ago. I think it's okay."

"Fine." "Now let's go downstairs so you won't try to clean if I leave the room."

"I won't try to clean if you leave the room." "Lie again."

"I won't. I can control myself." "Yeah. I'm not risking it."

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I said, "Kian Robert. Put me down." "Yeah. I don't think so." He carried me downstairs and threw me on the couch.

"Why do you always feel the need to throw me on the couch?" "Because it's fun."

I pulled him down next to me and said, "You're annoying." He kissed me and said, "But you love me."

"That I do." He pulled me on his lap and kissed me again. Jc came downstairs and said, "Ew. You guys have a room for a reason."

"We were literally just kissing." "So why are you on his lap?"

"Because I can be." "I swear if Kian stands up and I see little Kian pops up, I'm outta here."

"You're so gross JC." "I just speak the truth."

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