Chapter 17

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Laura's Pov

So I am now 37 weeks along, and little man will be here any day now. Ki and the guys finally finished the nursery about two weeks ago, so we are completely ready for our little angel to make his appearance.

Ki and I picked a name for him a few weeks ago, and Ki painted it on the wall. We're keeping it a surprise for everyone, so Ki had to do the painting himself.

Once all the paint had dried and the fumes were gone, Ki was able to show me the nursery, and I was completely in love.

Ki and I have been lounging around the house today because Dr.Thomas wants me to take it easy. She said I could go into labor at any moment.

Ki has been really worried recently about me going into labor. I understand why though. When I was 32 weeks along, I had some braxton hicks contractions, and Ki got so stressed out because he thought I was going into preterm labor. But, we called Dr.Thomas and she told us that braxton hicks contractions are completely normal and that I was perfectly fine.

Ki and I have been laying on the couch for a little while, but I was starting to get really uncomfortable. He rubbed my back and said, "What's wrong baby?"

"I'm just uncomfortable." "Does something hurt?"

"It's just my back." "Babe. Do you think little man is trying to make his appearance?"

"I don't know. He might be." "Laura. If you think you're going into labor, we need to go to the hospital."

"Okay. We can go to the hospital. It's really starting to get uncomfortable." "Okay baby. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get the hospital bag, and then we'll go out to the car."

I nodded and he went upstairs. After he came back down, he helped me off of the couch. We got a few steps and then my water broke.

"Oh god Ki. I'm sorry." "Hey. It's okay. I'll call Jc and ask him to come over and clean it up. We need to get you to the hospital. It's not a big deal. It's not like you could stop your water from breaking. Now let's get in the car so we can meet little man, alright?"

I nodded and he helped me out to the car. Once we were both in the car, he started driving to the hospital.

He called Jc and he said he didn't mind cleaning things up and that he wanted us to let him know when him and the guys could come and see us. Once we got to the hospital, we got checked in and they got me put in a room.

Soon Dr.Thomas came in and checked me out. "Alright Laura. You're about 8 centimeters dilated. I say that you should be ready to push within the next hour. Did you want to get the epidural?"

"Um. No. I want to do this completely natural." "Alright sweetie."

Then she left. Ki grabbed my hand and said, "Wow. I married such a strong woman. You're gonna go through childbirth without an epidural."

I kissed him and said, "Can you text the families and update them on everything and just let them know we'll tell them when we're ready for visitors?" "I already did. But I know you wanted Tab here, so she's on her way."

"Thank you baby. You know me so well." He put his hand on my belly and said, "Can you believe that he'll be in our arms within the next few hours."

"I know baby." He kissed me and soon Tab came in the door with Hudson.

"Thanks for coming Tab." "Girl. If you thought I wasn't gonna be here and help you through the birth of my nephew, you're crazy. Plus, I'm worried Kian might pass out, so someone has to be here to help you through it."

Ki said, "Tab. I am not gonna pass out." "Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it."

I said, "Okay you two. Whether Ki passes out or not, all that matters is that we're bringing this baby into the world." Ki said, "I can't believe you're taking her side."

"I'm not. I'm taking both of y'all's sides. Now hush and stop bickering. Little man needs to come into this world with good vibes." "You're right babe."

Soon Dr.Thomas came back in and told me it was time to push. Ki and Tab both grabbed one of my hands and we started the process.

After thirty minutes of pushing, little man was finally here. Dr.Thomas cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blanket. She handed him to me and said, "Congratulations. You had a healthy baby boy."

I looked up at Ki and said, "He's beautiful baby." He kissed the top of my head and said, "We did good baby girl."

Dr.Thomas took him from me to get all of his measurements and check him out. Tab said, "He's really beautiful Laura. So, now that he's here, can you finally tell me his name?"

I looked at Ki and he nodded. I said, "Well. His name is Colton William Lawley." "I love that name."

"Thank you. Me and Ki took a long time deciding what we wanted his name to be." "Well I think it's perfect for him."

Ki kissed the top of my head and said, "I'm gonna go call everyone and let them know that Colton has made his appearance and that they can come visit." I nodded and he walked out.

Dr.Thomas brought Colton back over to me and said, "He's completely healthy. Once he's ready to feed, just call one of the nurses in and they will help you with whatever method you choose." I nodded and she walked out. Tab said, "So. How do you feel?"

"Well. Like I'm holding a glass vase. He's just so tiny and fragile." "Yeah. That's how they are when they're newborns. But before you know it, he'll be a little chunker just like Hudson."

"Do you wanna hold him Tab?" "Of course I do."

She sat Hudson on the bed next to me and I gave Colton to her. She looked down at him and said, "Hey angel. I'm your auntie Tab. Don't tell auntie Izzy. But I know I'm gonna be your favorite."

I laughed at her and said, "Tab. Don't brainwash my child." "I'm not. I'm just letting him know what his future holds."

Soon Ki came in and said, "Everyone will be here soon. But. Jc has been in the waiting room for a while and he really wants to meet him." I said, "Go get him Ki."

He nodded and walked out of the room. He came back a few seconds later with Jc. Jc came over to me and said, "How ya feeling? Also, I cleaned up the mess at your house. So there's no issues there."

I said, "I feel okay Jc. And thank you for cleaning up the mess at home. But I know you've been waiting for a while to see your new nephew. So take him from Tab." He took Colton out of Tab's arms and said, "He's adorable. Hi buddy. I'm your Uncle Jc. Just so you know, I'm a lot cooler than all of your other uncles."

I rolled my eyes and said, "You and Tab need to stop brainwashing my child." "Never. But what's his name?"

"Colton William." "Aye. That's sick. We can call him Colt."

"Oh my poor baby is gonna have a lot of crazy ass uncles to deal with." "Oh hush."

After around 30 minutes, everyone was there. The look on my mom's face when she got to hold Colton was priceless. I could tell how in love she was with him.

Everyone loved meeting Colton, and of course the guys can't wait to teach him how to be a boy. By around 10, everyone had gone home, and it was just me, Ki, and Colton.

I had just finished feeding Colton and got him asleep. I laid him in his cot and Ki said, "It's just the three of us now baby doll."

"I know. I still can't believe he's actually here." "I know. He's our little miracle baby."

He laid in bed next to me and I instantly cuddled into him. He kissed the top of my head and said, "Get some rest beautiful. And don't you worry about getting up to feed him tonight. I've got it."

"I love you." "I love you too babe."

He ran his fingers through my hair and it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

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