Chapter 20

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Laura's Pov

Ki and I were working on planning our next few videos when the doorbell rang. I raised my eyebrow at Ki and said, "Did any of the boys say they're coming over?" "No. I don't think so."

I opened our surveillance software and looked at the camera. "It's Conner. You just stay in here. Let me see what's up." He nodded and I went in the living room.

I opened the door and said, "What are you doing here baby brother? It's 11 at night. You have school in the morning." "I-I know. I just, I missed you. And m-mom said I could come over and see you."

I sighed and said, "Why didn't you text me?" "I-I just wanted to be here with you."

"Okay. Okay. Get inside." He came inside and said, "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

"No baby brother. Me and Ki were just in the office working on some stuff for the channel." "Okay. I'm sorry."

"Con. Does mom actually know you're here?" "M-Maybe."

"Conner." "Well. She kind of knows. She told me I could come over and see you. But she never said when."

"Let me give her a call and let her know that you're over here. Go in the office with Kian." "Are you mad?"

"No Conner. But you can't just leave the house and come see me whenever you miss me. You need to make sure mom knows where you are." "Yes ma'am."

He went in the office and I called my mom.

M- Laura. Sweetie. What are you calling for?

L- Hey mom. Um, I just wanted to let you know that Conner's over here. I don't want you freaking out when you realize he isn't at home.

M- I had a feeling that's where he went. I heard his car leave a little bit ago. But thank you for letting me know.

L- Has everything been okay with him lately?

M- Yeah. He just misses you. He understands that you have a husband and a baby now, but he misses being able to spend all of his time with you.

L- I didn't realize I had been neglecting him.

M- You haven't. You just have to remember that he's younger than you and he hasn't experienced what you're experiencing.

L- Would it be okay if he didn't go to school tomorrow? He could just stay here with me, Ki, and Colton.

M- Sure baby doll. I'll call his school in the morning and tell him he isn't feeling well. But make sure he comes home before dinner time tomorrow.

L- I will mom. I love you.

M- I love you too baby doll.

I hung up the phone and went in the office. Conner said, "Is she mad?"

"No bubs. She's not mad. She kind of knew you were coming here. And you aren't going to school tomorrow." "Why not?"

"You're gonna spend the day with me and the boys. Everyone needs a mental health day every once in a while." "You didn't have to do that for me."

"Of course I did. You're my baby brother. And I know that it's been hard for you since I moved out. It's been a lot of change for you." He hugged me and said, "Thank you."

I kissed the top of his head and said, "You're welcome bubs. Now why don't you go get comfortable in the guest room and get some rest." "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too bubs." He walked out of the room and Ki said, "So what's going on with him?"

"He's just going through a hard time. I mean. Me and him are eight years apart. This has been a lot of change for him." He pulled me down in his lap and said, "I think you also just don't want your baby brother growing up."

"Of course I don't. I mean. Before I know it he's gonna have a girlfriend. And then he'll be talking to me about proposing to her. And then they'll get married. And then he'll be giving us nieces and nephews." He chuckled a little bit and said, "Babe. Calm down. It doesn't move that fast. I mean. You have to remember. Your brother saw that you and I were in a relationship for seven years before I proposed. I don't think he'll propose to his girlfriend within the first few months."

"I know. But it's gonna hurt when he grows up." "That's because you care about him. But he's had good role models. He's gonna be fine."

"Oh. Yeah. You and the idiots are great role models." "Hey. I resent that."

"I'm sorry. I love you. You know I was only kidding. Well. At least about you." "Bully my friends all you want. They won't say anything."

I kissed him and said, "We have more work to do. But it can wait if you're tired." "What more do we have to do?"

"Well. Just decide what videos we wanna do. And see if we wanna do any collars. And if we do, we'll need to reach out to those people." "Okay baby. Chill out. We don't need to video plan right now. I think it's time we head up to bed. It's almost midnight."

"Okay. I'll be up in a little bit. I need to go through some emails." "It can't wait?"

"Just let me check them babe. I won't be long." He kissed the top of my head and said, "If you're not up in twenty minutes, I'm dragging you up to bed."

I nodded and he went upstairs. I started going through some emails and I guess I kind of lost track of time, because before I knew it, Ki was slinging me over his shoulder.

"Kian. Put me down." "No. This is fun. I told you I'd drag you up to bed."

I rolled my eyes and he threw me on the bed. "Ki. Be quiet. Colton is sleeping."

And, of course, he ended up waking up. I took him out of his bassinet and made him a bottle. I fed and burped him and laid him back in the bassinet.

I got changed and laid on the bed next to Kian. He pulled me into him and said, "Good night baby doll."

"Good night babe." He kissed the top of my head and soon we were both asleep.

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