Chapter 23

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Laura's Pov

Colton is now two months old and I swear he is growing up way too fast. I know he's only two months old, but honestly these past two months have flown by.

A few weeks ago, Ki started filming the second season of Zac and Mia, so he's been out on set a lot. Sometimes I'll take Colton to go see him, but there's just so many people there and so many germs, that I don't like to do it too often.

I'm actually on my way to go see Ki now. Tab is coming with me and we have Colton and Hudson in the backseat.

Once we pulled up to the lot, security let us in and we got the boys out of the back. We went to the set where Ki was filming and went inside.

As soon as Hudson saw Ki, he said, "Uncle KiKi!" Tab said, "Hudson. He's filming."

The director told everyone they could take a break and Ki came over to us. He took Hudson from Tab and said, "What are you guys doing here?"

I said, "We came to see you on set." He wrapped his arm around me and said, "Aw did you know I was missing your beautiful face?"

Tab said, "Ew Kian. Don't be so cliche." "Shut up Tab."

I said, "Hey. Don't bicker." "Sorry babe."

He gave Hudson back to Tab and then took Colton from me. "So what's the plan after y'all leave here?"

"Probably go back to the house and hang out." "Wow. You're boring."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Ki. I don't want Colton out in the germs for too long." "I know babe. But you gotta live life at some point."

"I'm a mom to a two month old. I don't exactly have the time to live life." "You know what? Me and the boys are gonna watch Colton and Hudson, and you're going out with Tab and the girls tonight."

"Ki. No." "Laura. You need to go have some me time. You haven't gone out with the girls in so long."

"I'm just not ready to leave Colton yet." Tab said, "Laura. Don't be a buzzkill. It'll be fun. The boys can handle watching Colton and Hudson."

"I don't know." "I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm calling Fran, Izzy, and Nezza and we're going out tonight."

"Y'all aren't gonna let me get out of this." "Nope. You need to have fun."

"Fine. I'll go. But I don't want to stay out super late." "We won't stay out super late. Just until like midnight or maybe 1."

"I can't believe y'all are making me do this." Ki kissed my temple and said, "Only because we love you baby girl and we want you to have fun. You're 24. You're supposed to be going out and having girls nights."

"I'm also a married woman with a child." "That doesn't mean you can't go out and have fun with your friends."

"Okay Ki. I get it." "I'm not trying to pressure you. But you deserve a night out."

"I know babe. And I said I'll go. So let's just stop talking about it." "Okay. I'm sorry."

I kissed him and said, "I'm not mad at you. I know you just want me to relax." "I just don't like when you're stressed out baby."

"I know. And I appreciate that." "I love you."

"I love you too babe. Now you should probably get back on set. I don't wanna hold you up." "Are you guys leaving?"

"I think we'll stay a little while longer. Hudson loves watching his Uncle Kian act." "Okay. Sounds like a plan. I like having you guys watch me act."

"Oh. I don't make you nervous?" "Oh. Of course you do. But that's just because you're so damn beautiful."

"Such a flirt." Tab said, "Okay you two. Stop being all flirty. Kian get back on set before they fire you."

Ki said, "They can't fire me. I'm the star of the damn show." "Stop being a diva."

He rolled his eyes and went back to finish his scene. Tab and I ended up staying for around another hour before heading back to my house so we could put the boys down for a nap.

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