Chapter 21

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Laura's Pov

When I woke up the next morning, I could hear the boys downstairs. I slid my glasses on and threw my hair up in a bun.

I went downstairs and took Colton from Ki. I sat on his lap and said, "What are my boys up to down here?" "Oh you know. Just talking about manly things."

I rolled my eyes and said, "What are you teaching my baby brother?" "Nothing bad babe."

"Yeah right." "Hey. I'm a good guy."

"I never said you were a bad guy. You're just a little bit of a trouble maker." "Rude."

"Truthful." "If you say so babe."

"So what are you two idiots doing?" "Just talking. Ya know, man-to-man."

"Oh yeah?" "Yeah. Gotta teach him how to be a man."

"If you say so babe." Conner said, "He's just teaching me what it's like to be the man of the house."

"He's barely been the man of the house baby brother. I mean, he's the youngest." Ki said, "False. Izzy's younger."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Oh. Excuse me." Conner said, "He really is teaching me important things. I mean. Being a man is a lot of hard work."

"Oh. I'm sure it is baby brother." "What? Are you saying that being a man isn't a lot of work."

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying it's a hell of a lot harder to be a woman than it will ever be to be a man." "Oh yeah? In what ways?"

"Oh. I have a list that could go on for days. Where should I start?" Ki said, "Conner. You really don't want to get her started on this topic."

"I mean. He can get me started if he wants to." Conner said, "No. I'm good."

"That's what I thought." "So what's the plan for the day? I mean. You took me out of school for the day, so what are we doing?"

"Oh. Um. I don't know. I just thought it would be good for you to take a mental health day and just spend some time with me, Ki, and Colton." "Okay. Well can we go out to breakfast?"

"Sure Con. Go get dressed." He nodded and went upstairs.

I grabbed Ki's hand and pulled him upstairs. He went in our room to get ready while I took Colton in the nursery to get him ready.

I laid Colton on his changing table and changed his diaper. I put him in a grey onesie and slid some socks on his feet. I picked him back up and took him in Ki and I's room.

I laid Colton in his bassinet and said, "Babe. I need to shower so can you keep an eye on him?" "Yeah. I got him. Don't worry. He's in good hands with his daddy."

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out of the shower and went in the bedroom. I put on one of Ki's sweatshirts and a pair of light wash, high-waisted shorts.

I brushed my hair out and put my glasses on. Ki pulled me down on the bed and said, "You look so sexy in my sweatshirt."

"Babe. Stop. I need to finish getting ready." "You're no fun."

"What? Did you think we would have sex while our newborn is in the room and my baby brother is down the hall?" "Okay. I guess not."

"Exactly. Now get your ass off the bed and let's get downstairs. I'm gonna get Colton's diaper bag ready." He nodded and went downstairs.

I slid my converse on and picked up Colton. I went down to his nursery and grabbed his diaper bag. I got it filled and organized and put Colton in his carrier.

I went downstairs and Ki took the carrier from me. "Babe. You're not supposed to be carrying this."

"Ki. I'm fine." "No. You're not supposed to be lifting heavy things, and that includes the carrier."

"Whatever." "Don't be sassy with me."

"I'll be sassy with whoever I want to be sassy with." "Whatever babe. Let's just get going."

"That's what I thought." I took the carrier back from him and we went out to the car.

I got Colton in the car and we went to breakfast. After breakfast we went back to the house and just had a chill day. Ki taught Conner how to be "a man," and I just got to spend some time with my baby brother.

Conner ended up going home around 6, which left me and Ki alone with Colton. Ki kissed the top of my head and said, "He's really growing up babe."

"Don't remind me. I'm not ready for him to give me nieces and nephews yet." "Don't worry. I taught him about safe sex."

I hit him and said, "Babe." "What? A man has to explain to a man how safe sex works."

"Oh my goodness." "Don't you get sassy with me. He needed to hear it from a man, not from two women."

"Ki. He is not ready to hear about sex." "C'mon. He's sixteen. He needs to know the ins and outs of sex. You can't expect him to not be having sex."

"God you're annoying." "That's no way to talk to your husband."

I rolled my eyes and said, "It is when it's true." "Whatever you say babe. Now what do you want for dinner?"

"Ooh. Can you grill tonight baby?" "You want me to grill?"

"Yeah. Not steaks. But the beyond burgers. I'll make some sweet potato fries." "Okay baby."

"You're the best." "Yeah. Yeah. You're lucky I love you."

"You better love me. I mean we have a whole ass child." "Of course I love you baby doll. Even before we had Colton."

"You better." He kissed me and said, "C'mon. Let's get cooking."

"Okay. Ooh. We should film our night routine tonight." "You want to?"

"Yeah. At least this time they won't have to watch us ponder over dinner forever." "Okay baby. Go get the camera."

I ran in our office and got the vlog camera. I went back in the living room and put Colton in his baby bjorn. I started the vlog and me and Ki made dinner.

After we finished eating we did the rest of our night routine and then did a little outro. Colton was already down for the night and Ki and I were just laying in bed. Ki pulled me in his arms and said, "Good night baby doll."

"Good night Ki." He kissed the top of my head and soon I was asleep.

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