Chapter 11

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Laura's Pov

*3 months later*

Well, it's been three months since Kian and I got married, and not much has changed. As of right now we're still living with the guys, but we're looking for a house of our own. We know we'll be starting our family soon and living in this house with all these crazy boys will just be too much.

I woke up in Ki's arms and he was playing with my hair. He said, "Good morning baby girl."

"Morning baby." "The guys are out of the house today."

"Oh really?" "Yeah. They wouldn't tell me what they're doing. But they're all gone."

"Can we look at houses today?" "Sure baby. We can call the realtor and see what kind of things she's found for us."

"This is so exciting." I got on his lap and said, "I can't believe we're making this huge step." "It's been a long time comin. For all we know there could be a little baby in your belly and we do not need that child to witness their crazy uncles every day."

"Imagine if I was actually pregnant. That would be so amazing." "You never know. You could be pregnant and just not have symptoms yet."

"You really think I'm pregnant, don't you?" "Maybe. I think it's more of a hope."

"Maybe I am. How about after we look at houses, we'll stop and get a pregnancy test." "Sounds good to me. How about you go get your shower and I'll call the realtor."

"Or you could go call her real quick and come join me in the shower." "Don't have to ask me twice."

I kissed him and got off the bed. He called the realtor and I went in the bathroom. I started the shower and brushed my hair out. I brushed my teeth and got undressed.

A few seconds later I heard the door open and Ki got in the shower. He said, "Everything's all set. Sonya sent me the first address we're going to meet her at."

"I'm excited. Did she say how many rooms it has?" "She didn't say. But she knows that we want a decent sized house so we can expand our family and not have to get a new house."

I nodded. After our shower we got dressed and had breakfast. Once we finished eating we got our stuff and went to the first house. Once we pulled up I was pretty impressed. It was a decent size. But I'm not sure if it was big enough for what we wanted.

We got out and met up with Sonya. She said, "Laura. Kian. So nice to see y'all. We have about six houses to look at today. But if you think you've found the one before we get to the last one, just let me know."

We both nodded and started touring the house. Four houses later and me and Ki decided we had finally found the one. 8 rooms, 6 and a half bathrooms. A gorgeous backyard. Good neighborhood. A basement for the boys to hang out in. And it's not too far from my mom or the rest of the boys.

After we finished touring the house, Ki said, "Sonya. We won't be needing to see that last house. This one is the one. It's perfect." "Alright. I just need you to sign the contract. How would you like to pay."

Ki said, "I'll write a check to pay in full." We signed the contract and Ki wrote the check. Once all was said and done, we had ourselves a house. We finished everything and Sonya gave us the keys. We said our goodbyes and headed off to Walgreens.

We went in and got a few pregnancy tests. We checked out and of course the girl checking us out was a fan. She said, "Oh my gosh! Kian and Laura Lawley buying pregnancy tests!"

Ki said, "Yeah. We're buying pregnancy tests. But don't tell anyone." "Oh I won't! Don't worry!"

She finished checking us out and we went back to the house. We went inside and all the boys were downstairs. Jc said, "Buying some pregnancy tests, were we?"

I said, "What makes you think that?" "Maybe the fact that a fan tweeted it out and it's trending."

"You're kidding me." Sam said, "Nope. It's all over Twitter."

"Dammit. It was probably the girl who checked us out." Ki said, "Calm down babe. It's okay. It's not like it's a huge scandal. We're married. No one can make this out to be a bad thing."

I nodded and we went upstairs. I set the bag on the bed and said, "I can't believe she tweeted about it." "Stop. You don't know that it was her. It could've been anyone there. We weren't exactly being discreet."

"What if we aren't actually pregnant?" "Then we aren't pregnant. Stop stressing."

I nodded and went and took the tests. I laid them on the counter and washed my hands. I went back in our room and said, "2 minutes." He pulled me on his lap and said, "Just breathe baby. Pregnant or not I still love you more than anything else in this world. You're my baby girl and nothing will change that."

I nodded and laid my head on his chest. A few minutes later I heard the timer go off but I didn't want to move. He said, "Babe. Cmon."

"I'm scared Ki. I don't want to let you down." "Baby. We still have so many years to have a baby. If we aren't pregnant this time, we'll try again, okay?"

I nodded. He picked me up and took me in the bathroom. He set me on the counter and said, "Just take a second and tell me when you're ready."

I grabbed his hands and looked up at him. I said, "I'm ready." 

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