Chapter 26

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Laura's Pov

So. It's been a few months and Colton is now six months old. It's crazy how fast our baby boy is growing up.

We got to celebrate Colton's first Christmas a few weeks ago and it was so much fun. We definitely spoiled him. Me and Ki got him a lot of stuff, but the guys really went overboard. I think it's just because he's the first O2L baby, minus Hudson, so the guys want to spoil him.

Ki finished filming season two of Zac & Mia a few weeks ago, so he's home a lot more often. We've kind of been chilling out around the house and not doing much just because Ki's life has kind of been go, go, go since filming started. So now that it's over we've just been relaxing.

The boys are over today and we're all out in the backyard. I'm just sitting on the porch with Fran and we're watching the boys play with Colton. Fran looked over at me and said, "So. Now that Kian's home more often. What's life been like for you?"

"Honestly? Pretty relaxing. It's amazing how hands-on Ki is with Colton." "That's so cute."

"So how are things with you and Daniel?" "Amazing. He's so unbelievably sweet."

"Aw Fran. I'm so happy for you. You two are so cute!" "I just can't believe I finally found a guy as amazing as him. Maybe one day we'll end up like you and Kian."

"I have very little doubt that you two won't end up like me and Ki. I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's the same way me and Ki looked at each other when we first started dating." "You honestly don't know how much that means to me. I really do feel like me and Daniel are meant to be. Something about being with him just feels so right."

"There's something special between you two." Ki came over to us and said, "Babe. Are you trying to give Fran relationship advice?"

"No dumbass. We're just talking about her and Daniel." "Hey. Don't call me a dumbass."

"Hey. I do what I want." "Someone's sassy today."

"Boy. I'm sassy every day." "Ain't that the truth."

He pulled me up and said, "C'mon. We're going on an adventure. Fran and the boys are gonna watch Colton for a little bit." Fran said, "We got little man. Don't worry."

Ki took me out to the car and I said, "Where are we going?" "You'll see. Just shh."

"I don't know how to shh." "Babe. I'm trying to do something nice."

"Well how nice is this gonna be. I mean. I'm wearing one of your sweatshirts and a pair of jean shorts." "Don't worry about how you look. You look beautiful no matter what. And this isn't a trip that's "fancy nice" it's just me doing something nice for you."

"If you say so baby." "Hey. If I was taking you somewhere fancy, do you think I'd be in sweatpants and a tank top."

"Okay. I guess not." "Exactly."

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I just want to make you happy baby girl. You did a lot with Colton while I was filming and you deserve to be rewarded for that."

"I don't know what I'd do without you baby." "Well for one. You'd probably still be living at home."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Ha ha. Funny boy."

After driving for a little while, we pulled up at the Santa Monica Pier. "Babe. What are we doing here?" He smiled at me and said, "Well. We're gonna have a nice walk on the pier and just do random things. And then when it gets closer to sunset, we'll take a walk on the beach."

"Babe. You really thought of everything." "I just wanted to do something to show how much I appreciate everything you do. And I know how much you enjoy a nice sunset walk on the beach. I mean. We took a sunset walk every night of our honeymoon."

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