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Caesar was worried. He was really worried. He hadn't heard from his cousin since lunch time and it scared him. She knew she was in her low moods and she wasn't answering which made him even more worried.

'Maybe she's sleeping.' He tried to convince himself. 'But it's been longer than usual... this is the last period so I will just go straight home.'

Just as he thought that, the bell to signal the last period was over rang and he quickly stuffed his belongings back into his bag.

"Hey Caesar, slow down. We all know we don't like this class but still, you don't need to be running out of here." Hiro joked as he watched his friend throw his things into his bag, knowing he had a few papers folded up now.

"Sorry, I just wanna check on Royalty so I can update my dad after. I haven't heard from her for a while so I'm a little worried." He confessed.

"Oh, okay, well we can come over with you to check on her. Just to make sure everything is alright." His girlfriend offered as they walked out of class to find the rest of their group of friends.

"That's nice of you guys." Caesar softly smiled, knowing he had chosen the right group of friends for himself and one to bring his cousin into.

"I mean what are friends for am I right? We gotta check up on each other, shes apart of the best gang up in this dry ass school." Ming playful shoved Caesar, making him laugh.

"You know this group is only fly because it has me in it."

Jazmine had heard what he said and snorted. "I beg the differ. If it wasn't for me, this group would be depressing as fuck. I bring the light and happiness you all need." She poked her tongue out as she held onto Huey's hand tight.

Caesar smirked. "I mean you are bright."

"Or should I say Mariah." Cindy joked but it made he remember someone else was missing. "McHater, where is your brother?"

"How am I supposed to know? We're not in the same grade." Huey rolled his eyes annoyingly.

"But he's your brother, you should know where he is." Ming told him.

"Yeah, I'm his brother, not babysitter."

Jazmine went to comfort Huey as she saw his annoyed expression but stopped when she saw Ed and Rummy sitting by their car outside of school. "Hey, Ed and Rummy are here. I wonder what they're doing here. Maybe they are here to get Riley or know where he is?"

"Let's find out first and then we can go and check on Royalty." Cindy suggested in which they all agreed to do. They walked closer to the men who called them over once they saw the group of friends.

"Ed, Rummy, this is not a good look for you right now." Hiro told them truthfully.

"Ay! I am not a pedo! No girls under the legal drinking again can be under me and I hope every single one of you kids know that! We do not like little girls!" Ed immediately shouted at them.

Cindy held her arms out in defence while laughing. "Damn, it's alright. We not accusing you of talking to anyone out here. We just saying before security starts asking questions."

"Thanks for looking out CMurph but we just came to drop this off to one of you." Rummy said as he leaned onto the car and pulled out a book, which he handed to Huey.

"Riley's art book?"

"Yeah Reezy dropped it in here when we picked up him up earlier."

"Oh at least that solves that Riley decided to ditch school today. So where did you drop him to?" Jazmine asked which caused the two to smirk and chuckle to each other.

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