Detective Freeman

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Huey laid in his room deep in thought. Jazmine had just left him to go back home after spending the night after the party so he was left on his own. Riley and grandad were both snoring away in their rooms and he knew they wouldn't be up for another hour or two. Maybe even three. They both hated getting out of bed.

He decided he might as well do some exercises to start his morning. He went to bed shirtless and in shorts so he was already dressed for the occasion, he would just shower after and put on something different. He quickly jogged downstairs to grab a water bottle before going back to his room and started with 50 push ups.



Sit ups next.

Usually when he worked out, his mind would be blank but today for some strange reason, Huey's mind was on other matters. His parents.

It hasn't even been a whole 10 years since his parents had died, well killed. Some people tried to say that it was an unfortunate drive by and at the time, he was young but he knew better. That day traumatised him more than he would allow himself to believe. Grandad and Cookie saw Huey and Riley deal with grief in their own ways and they had no clue on how they could support the boys. Therapy didn't work. Huey scared the man to death while Riley just got on his nerves. It was useless so the boys had to handle their parents death in their own way.

Huey used martial arts as a way to release any emotions he had which is why grandad would joke and say that's why he doesn't possess more than one emotion anymore. Within a short period of time, Huey was a black belt in one form of martial arts and already half way to another. No one understood how Huey managed to grasps the art so quickly and with perfection. To this day it was still a mystery. Seeing a young black boy from the hood be good at a sport that wasn't basketball or football was shocking to people.

He now moved onto burpees. As many people said before, his parents death was an unexpected tragedy but even from a young age, he knew there was more to the story. Something was wrong and out of place, grandad and Cookie wouldn't answer him but he knew it had something to do with his mothers side.

His mothers side was a weathly black family. Mackenzie Williams was a smart girl who had big dreams from the nicer part of Chicago. Christian Freeman was a man of the community and well respected but if anyone tried to cross him, he would be ready to fight. The two met at a club and began talking but was cut off once shots started to fire. Christian and his friend got Mackenzie and her friend out safely and spent the night talking and eating at a diner. From there, the two grew from a friendship to a relationship which ended with them being married with two kids. Huey and Riley Freeman.

The Williams were not very happy that their oldest daughter married a man who they thought was beneath them. Then having 2 children on top of that made things more complicated.

The last time Huey saw his grandparents was not long after his parents funeral which even then, grandad had to fight to have his children buried together. They barely spoke a word to any of the Freeman family that day. It was sad to see.

Huey and Riley spent their time going back and forth between Cookie and Robert before Robert decided to take them full time and move them to Woodcrest. They both hated the change but some how have now managed to deal with it. They have new friends and Huey had a supportive and loving girlfriend. She didn't know his past but she never pressured him to tell her, even when they started dating, and he was grateful for that.

Thinking more about it, he needed to find out why his parents were killed and he was not going to accept 'it was a sad accident', he knew better than that. His grandad wasn't going to be much help so he guessed he would have to do some hard searching. The part he was dreading was going to see his maternal grandparents. They should really reach out to him but he needed answers from them and he wasn't going to get it unless he reached out first.

Just as he finished up his work out, he saw his phone lit up. He walked over to see a message from Jazmine.

Jazmine: Hey bae, since its a nice day tomorrow, I was thinking everyone can come over and have a sunday BBQ.

Huey: Do you really have to call you me that?

Jazmine: Yes, yes I do. So you in?

Huey: You know I can't say no.

Jazmine: Yaaay, glad you know! The whole gang is coming so we should have fun. I gotta get ready to go out with the fam, byeeee bae xx.

Huey: Bye Jazmine x.

He put his phone down and sighed. Jazmine loved warm weather, her family and her friends so tomorrow he knew she would be bouncing around the room from the moment everyone stepped in. He then remembers what he was thinking about before. 'If I'm going to do this, I have to involve Riley... hopefully his dumb ass is mature enough to actually help me.' He rolled his eyes at the thought before going back downstairs to put the water back in the fridge so he can come back to it later. As he reached the kitchen, he heard rustling and could smell the disguting bacon that was being cooked. He walked into the kitchen and was suprised to see his brother cooking breakfast.

'Just the person I wanted to see.'

Riley turned to see his brother entering the room. "Sup nigga. You want some?"

"You know I don't eat that filth."

Riley screwed his eyebrows at his brother. "Well excuse me for being a nice nigga to my brother for once. Why you gotta act like a gay ass bitch when I try help you? See this is why I be selfish because people like you are ungrateful."

Huey shook his head, his brother was always so extra. "Whatever. On a serious note, I need to tell you something."

Riley bit into the bacon and egg sandwich he made and laughed. "I knew your ass is gay."

"I'm not gay Riley. I have a girlfriend and you don't, I think you want to reevaluate what you just said." He took a deep breath. "I want to find out what happened to our parents."

Riley paused with his teeth still sunk into the sandwich. He was not expecting to hear this so early in the morning. "Whatchu tal' bout?"

"I'm talking about finding out what happened to our parents."

"But they said it was an acci-"

"It wasn't. I just know if wasn't." Huey cut him off. "Look, I don't know if you remember much but I do and its just not sitting right with me. It randomly popped into my head and now I can't stop thinking about it. Wheather you help or not is your business but I'm doing this. Its not going to be easy."

Riley sat there and thought about it for a few seconds. It was odd to hear Huey mention their parents again. They barely talked about them on their birthdays and anniversaries. It just wasn't something they would discuss. For his brother to bring it up now, was weird but he was interested to see where this was going. If Huey thought their was foul play in their parents death, then it was worth a shot in looking at.

"Ite. I'm in." Riley said as he bite into his sandwich again.

Huey raised an eyebrow. "You serious?"

Riley shrugged. "Yeah. They my peoples too, I deserve to know."

"Well, I guess you do... we start next week." Huey told his brother.

"A nigga gonna be detective Freeman up in this bitch." Riley smirked.

Huey sighed. "This isn't a game Riley. You need to have your head on straight."

Huey and Riley locked eyes in an intense staring competition to see who would break first. Huey wanted his brother to take this seriously because this was their parents they were talking about, it was no joke.

Riley looked at his brother. "I know and I'm down for whatever."

Huey nodded. "Then I guess we going to find out about our parents death."

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