Mom's Boyfriend

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Jazmine walked inside the diner she hadn't been in for a good while and walked towards the booth she knew her mother would be sitting in.

Just as she got to the table, she stopped.

'Okay. You can do this.' She coached herself through it. She sent a quick text to Huey saying she arrived and continued her short walk.

"Jazmine!" Sarah jumped up out her seat before Jazmine could say anything. She engulfed her in a hug and swung side to side dramatically. This was uncomfortable for her. Usual a person is supposed to feel an explosion of motherly love but it was nothing like that, she just felt neutral.

'Wow, it's worse than I thought.' Jazmine said to herself internally.

"Hi mom." She mumbled.

"Jazmine, I want you to meet my boyfriend Jayden." She stepped to the side to let the man stand up so he could greet her daughter too.

"Its nice to meet you Jazmine." He shook her hand.

"Alright let's sit down now." Sarah slightly pushed the two to sit down before she could even say hello back.

What her mother didn't realise was the look of disbelief on Jazmine's face. It seemed as if her mother got a boyfriend that reflected her own child. He looked to be biracial like her with hazel eyes and curly brown hair on the top of his head. He was muscular from what she could see in his fitted jumper. And his name was Jayden! Such a typical name for someone that looked like him. She couldn't believe her mother. They even sounded like they could be siblings with the names.

"You look like you could be my brother." Jazmine blurted out without realising. She was really spending too much time with the Freeman's with how blunt she had become.

Sarah laughed a little too dramatically. "Honey you're hilarious."

At that, Jazmine took a good look at the woman who birthed her. Her pale skin was now slightly tanned and she cut an inch or 2 off her blonde hair that hadn't changed but her outfit and make up was a lot less house wife which was her typical look from when she was married. You could tell she enjoyed her divorced life.

Before Jazmine was forced to ask her mother about what shes been up to, the waitress came over.

"Welcome to Denny's Diner, what can I get for you today?"

Sarah immediately jumped in. "Babe you have got to try their waffles, its delicious." She told him. "We'll get 3 chocolate explosion waffles please."

"3? Um no thank you." Jazmine told her politely, changing her order. "Can I get the strawberry shortcake waffle please?"

The waitress nodded. "Any drinks?"

"Cookie and creme milkshake please."

"I'll take a water." Jayden ordered.

"And I'll have what she's having." Sarah added.

The waitress noted it down before walking away, leaving the daughter, mother and mothers new boyfriend.

"Oh right Jazmine, he is not young enough to be your brother. As a matter of fact, hes like a year older than your dads girlfriend." Sarah told her.

"You mean my dads wife." Jazmine raised an eyebrow at that.

"Yeah wife." Sarah shrugged. "So, tell me everything that has been happening with you."

Jazmine took a look at Jayden who just shrugged. She didn't know if she wanted to disclose so much information in front of a stranger so she kept it short and sweet. "Grades are good as always. Made a new friend, Caesar's cousin."

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