First Day of School

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{Outfits labled for each female. Let me know if you like it and should contiue.}

First day of school came about quicker than the group of friends thought. Jazmine jumped out her bed energized and ready for the day. She sent a quick morning text to Huey, knowing he would be doing his morning work outs now before starting her own morning routine. Since it was the first day, she was going to put extra effort in her look.

Once she stepped out the shower, she walked over to her phone to check her messages.

Huey: Morning x

Jazmine grinned when she saw the kiss at the end. He told her if she ever showed anyone one he sent kisses, he would give her the silent treatment for 2 weeks. Knowing she wouldn't be able to last since Huey always kept his word, she chose against showing others.

Jazmine: You get a good work out?

Huey: As always.

Jazmine: Remember you said you was going to teach me more self defense moves.

Huey: *eye roll* Jazmine. We both know what happend last time.

Jazmine giggled as she thought back to the last time he tried to teach her self defense.


"Now. Hit me."

Jazmine looked at him shocked. "I'm not going to hit you Huey."

Huey rolled his eyes. "It won't hurt me."

"Are you calling me weak?" Jazmine gasped exaggeratedly.

"No. I'm just saying it takes a lot to hurt me."

"That means you're indirectly calling me weak."

Huey sighed, making Jazmine burst out in laughter. "Fine, fine. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

Jazmine stood in front of Huey and got into the fight postion he just taught her. Taking a deep breath, she swung her fist forward to make connection to Huey's chest but just felt air.


"Again." Huey said 20 inchs from his orginal spot.

"How you move so fast? That was a pretty fast punch." She was in disbelief.

"Jazmine, how long have we known each other?" He crossed his hands across his chest.

"6 years baby." She smiled but was confused at the question.

"Then you should know I have amazing good reflexes." He smirked which caused her to squint at him.

"How tooted your horn?" His smirk grew even more. "Don't. Answer that. Just, help me." She pouted.

"Ok. Hit me." So she did which Huey moved out the way again but this time continued talking. "Now, as you can see, your front is open. That means you attack that area like so." He showed her what she could do which she paid attention to.

He lightly poked her side making her shriek and giggle.

"Heyyyy. You know I'm ticklish."

"Whoops." He smirked.

"You so childish." She flipped her hair and tried to walk away confidently but forgot she put her waterbottle right next to Huey's foot.

As she went flying down, she felt to strong arms and a gush of wind and then a hard chest. She opened her eyes after squeezing it shut in fright to see Huey's same smirk on his face. He never smiled. Always smirked. It was the closest you would get to a smile.

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