Their Parents

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"Mom, dad. I want you to meet my boyfriend, Christain."

Mr and Mrs William's look between each other then at the man in front of them. He was in very casual wear, had a low cut and had maroon eyes. He didn't seem of their... status.

"You're not from round here are you?"

"Daddy." Mackenzie said in a warning tone. She knew this was going to happen but deep down she wished it didn't.

Christian nodded, unfazed by the older mans tone. "Yes sir, that is correct."

Mrs William's crossed her arms as she stared down at the man who was introduced as her oldest daughters boyfriend. "Then how did you ever come to meet my daughter?"

"We met at a club a couple of months back. We formed a friendship which turned into a relationship."

"And what are you doing with your life?"

"Mom." The same warning tone came back but once again, Christian wasn't fazed by it.

"I'm currently working in construction but I plan to open my own youth centre once I have enough money to do so."

Mr Williams scoffed. "A youth centre?! There is no type of money in that."

"And a construction worker? You can do better darling." Mrs Williams agreed.

Before Mackenzie could defend her boyfriend's choice in career, he beat her to it. "Well, Mr and Mrs Williams. The construction work is the same construction work that builds all those fancy properties that your agency wouldn't be able to sell if I never built it. It would be very hard to have a real estate agency with no real estate."

"Oh the disrespect!" Was all the older woman could say from the embarrassment she just experienced. She didn't like someone in a lower class than her proving she was wrong, she believed she was too smart for that. "Mackenzie, why couldn't you go for one of those boys you met in your law class?"

Mackenzie rolled her eyes, hearing this question all the time. "Because mother, the same people in my class are the same people that will go through their career putting innocent black men and women into prison for years on small charges or even if they're innocent. I don't need that type of man in my life. I don't have to worry about my job when I'm with Christian which is all I ask for sometimes. I know he'll take care of me and our baby." Mackenzie's mouth dropped open as she let her secret out, causing the whole room to stand still. She wasn't meant to reveal her pregnancy the way she did but it was too late now, the secret was out.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that for me? Did you say pregnant?" Mrs Williams looked at her daughter, already turning pale.

"Kenzie... are you serious?" Christian looked at his girlfriend in shock. This was news to him too.

She nervously giggled. "Surprise... I found out yesterday and was meant to tell you before we got here but... it slipped my mind."

Christian couldn't be mad and let a large grin break out onto his face. His girlfriend just said they were having a baby despite her parents disliking his very existence in their daughters life but he didn't care, he was going to be a dad.

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