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Another day of school rolled around and Jazmine was dreading it. After yesterday's incident, she wasn't able to sleep. Huey had fallen asleep on the phone so she hung up and let him sleep. She only got 3 hours of sleep and now her body were paying for it. She felt heavy but drained at the same time. Her parents had tried to reassure Jazmine by saying that TJ was fine but she just couldn't let it go. They even asked Jazmine if she wanted to stay home but she refused, now, she wished she just stayed home.

"Jazzy! Come on girl we got a next class to get to." Cindy pulled her out of her thoughts.

She slightly jumped as she heard her name being called. "Huh? What?"

Cindy looked at her strange. "You ok? This is the first I have seen you so spaced out in lesson and not in the 'I'm day dreaming bout Huey' typa day dream. More like 'Imma pass out trying to stay awake' typa shit."

Jazmine was shocked. For Cindy to notice and tell her that they had to get to their next class just proved that she was definitely out of it. "Uh, yeah sorry. Just been long night." She picked up her bag and made her way out of class with her friend right behind her.

"Did your ass sleep last night? You look a mess."

Jazmine face dropped even more as she turned to her friend. "That's not very nice Cynthia."

Cindy rolled her blue eyes before dragging Jazmine into the girls bathroom. "Hey! We got a lesson."

"That shit is going to have to wait." She stopped in front of the mirror and crossed her arms. "Look in the mirror Jazmine."


"Just look."

Sighing, she did and cringed at the sight of it. Her eyes were red and overall just looked pale and tired. The only neat thing she could see on herself was her hair and clothes.

"All I need is a little make up and I'll be good."

"How long did you sleep last night?"

Jazmine raised an eyebrow at her friend. "It doesn't matt-"

"How many?"

" 3 or more, maybe, not."



"Ugh. What did McHater say when he saw you? And why didn't you stay home?" Cindy asked as she shook her head. For Cindy to be the mature one in this conversation meant something was definitely wrong.

"I didn't want to stay home and I haven't seen him. I was awake very early so walked to school." Jazmine explained.

They heard the late ring in the hallway signalling they were official late.

"We should really get to class..." Jazmine tried to make her way out the door but Cindy was quick to jump in front. Since she was a couple inches taller, Jazmine had to slightly look up so that her green eyes met her blue ones in a stare off. "Cindy."

"Jazmine!" She sighed in frustration as she said her name again. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just couldn't sleep. I'm fine, I'll be going straight home and sleep then."

"Is it because what happened with TJ?" Cindy asked. When she noticed the silence after the question, she felt bad. "Shit Jazzy, I'm sorry." She pulled her friend in a much needed hug. "Girl she's fine, there's nothing to worry about."

"I know." Jazmine mumbled in her shoulder. "But the fact that we were so close... the images keep replaying in my head and it's so annoying. It's just stuck in there. You know this already. I see something upsetting, that's stuck with me for at least a day or two."

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