Poolside fun

364 13 16





"Marc- got your ass!" Riley shouted as he grabbed onto Ming.

"Dammit!" She pushed herself off him in frustration.

"Girl its just a game... that you lost at." Riley snickered, earning a large splash in the face. "Sore loser."

"Huey come get your brother!"

Huey was sitting pool side as he just watched his friends playing in the water. "That's not my brother."

"I wouldn't want to be related to a gay ass bitch ass nigga anyway."

"Yous maaadddd." Caesar teased the younger Freeman.

Riley splashed water at the dread. "Shut the fuck up."

"Leave my cousin alone." Royalty splashed Riley for Caesar.

"Why you all getting all tight for? Loosen up bitches! Let's continuing having fun." Cindy cheered as she made her way to the diving board.

Cori walked over with a big smile on her face and her arms crossed. "Well you can continue having fun once you eat. Food is ready."

Instantly, Cindy turned away from the diving board and raced towards the table. "Don't have to tell me twice!"

Riley was not far behind. "I call the biggest chicken."

"Nah I get that!"

"White girl you and your people need to stop taking shit from niggas!"

"Shut the fuck up Reezy!"

The two went back and forth as they argued over who would get the biggest piece of meat as everyone just shook their heads and took their time walking over.

The group of friends all filled their place with food before sitting down at the spot they originally sat at when they first came in.

Jazmine looked across the yard to see her brother and his friends all doing the same thing. "I am so glad he hasn't come and annoyed us and I think he has moved on from having a crush on Ming to having a crush on Royalty."

Tyler, like many boys his age, go through stages where they are madly 'in love' with someone. Out of this group, it was Cindy, then Ming and now it seemed to have moved onto Royalty. Jazmine just had to keep reminding him that these girls had boyfriends, she guessed now she couldn't use that excuse.

"Aww I will miss him having a little crush on me." Ming pouted. Hiro looked at her strange with one eyebrow raised and his mouth half bitten into the piece of rib. "I mean you have to admit, it was cutteee."

Royalty looked over at Tyler. He caught her eyes and winked right at her, making her laugh at his little flirting. "I guess I should he honored then."

Jazmine groaned. "I just hope he doesn't turn out like Riley."

"Ay! What's wrong with Reezy?" Riley asked in third person.

"Everything. Everything is wrong with Reezy." Huey stepped in to say quickly before resuming to eating his vegetarian food.

"Look, you gotta let the boy breath Jazzy. He's going to do it anyway, same way my brother is going to. Its fine for him to have all these crushes, even if it is my cousin, I know he doesn't have a chance so I'm not too worried." Caesar smirked.

Cindy raised an eyebrow at him. "So Maliek is allowed to have all these crushes but is that same energy going to Melody?"

"A big bomboclaut no!"

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