In the Beginning

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Jazmine Aaliyah Dubios was now in 11th grade, aged 16. Within 6 years, a lot of things has changed. Now standing at 5'5, the young girl had matured mentally and physically. Once known for her obsession with Santa and the colour pink, was a now cool and collected teen with an undeniable sexy body. She grew hips, a round behind and had good sized breast which had all the boys turning her way. Jazmine invited all the attention until she got a boyfriend who would murder any boy that looked her way. It made his job harder now that she was captain of the cheerleading team so everyone in the school looked at her but she didn't pay them no mind.

Her school life seemed amazing but her home life was a little less glamorous. Her parents, Tom and Sarah, finally divorced after a very toxic marriage when she was 12. Sarah moved away to Miami without a second glance, leaving Tom to raise Jazmine on his own. Jazmine was heartbroken and leaned heavily on her friends to get her through her dark times. She was worried for her father because he seemed distraught about it too until he met his second wife, Jazmine's step mother, Cori. She was a tall, slim, dark skin woman with dark eyes which was completely a shocker to everyone because she was the exact opposite to Sarah. Cori aleady had a son named Tyler who is now 12 and looked just like his mother.

Tom and Cori married when Jazmine turned 14 and welcomed a baby girl a few months later they named Tyeisha-J'aaliyah Dubios AKA TJ who was now 2. Life was good for the Dubios family from there as they all continued to grow and love each other.

Across the street lived the lovely Freeman family. A grandfather and his two teenage grandsons. The eldest was Huey Percy Freeman who was 16. The ex domestic terroist had done a lot of changing over the years. Still doing his martial arts, he began to grow lean and muscular and still sported his famous afro. Like Jazmine, puberty was a blessing because he had his own share of head turns from the females. He grew into a handsome young man who still activly fights for the rights of his people. Another thing that has not changed was the constant fighting with his younger brother, Riley Escobar Freeman.

Riley will be joining his brother in high school tomorrow, starting 9th and he was excited for many reasons. He could finally start high school basketball which he has been dreaming of ever since he graduacted middle school, the girls were another thing, as well as attempting to have the school in the palm of his hands. Huey thought it was stupid but let his brother believe high school was that fun.

Other than that, the lives of the Freeman's were normal. Grandad still went on countless dates nearly every other weekend while they hung out with their friends regualry.

Those friends were Hiro, Caesar, Cindy and Ming.

Hiro, the well known DJ of Woodcrest, was a sweet boy but was also someone you shouldn't cross because he will not hestiate to fight if he has to. He was a protector, especially when it came to his girlfriend Ming, eventhough she didn't need it. Ming was the queen of the socer pitch thanks to her years of kickball training back home in China. Besides Huey, she was the most laid back person in the group but like her boyfriend, she will square up if needed.

Cindy was still the same bad ass Cindy from when she was 10. She was the queen of the court who lead her team to victory last school year. Her boyfriend was Huey's long time best friend Michael Caesar AKA Caesar. Like Hiro, he had a love for music and would usually be the hype man at the parties Hiro plays at. He also began to learn how to produde music and was getting very good at it.

That made up the group of friends who were all about to start their new year of high school.

"Mama, I'm going to the Freeman's!" Jazmine called out from the door.

"Ok! Make sure you're back for dinner!" Cori shouted back as she played with TJ.

From the day they got married, Jazmine decided to call Cori mama while Tyler started calling Tom pops which made the two adults cry when they said it in their speech unexpectidly at the wedding.

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