Lunch Date

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Jazmine had a large smile on her face as she walked hand in hand with Huey down the street to the restaurant she picked out a long time ago and finally got to drag Huey to. She really had him wrapped around her pinky and she loved it. He would do almost anything to make her happy and this was one of them.

Even though he was man of not much pleasures, he did enjoy spending time with his girlfriend, even though it looked like he was annoyed with her very existence. Jazmine was the only female that managed to get close to him naturally, it wasn't forced. Well, not completely. He was reluctant at first to befriend the naive biracial girl that lived across the street but he was glad that the same naive biracial girl was stubborn too. She didn't take no for an answer when making friends which was one of the reasons their friendship group was now a group of 8 and all so close to each other. (Yes, Royalty just joined but shes warming up quickly).

Anyway, they entered the restaurant and got escorted to their seats since Jazmine booked in advance. She hated waiting for her food so she always booked ahead, even when it wasn't necessary.

They sat at their table and ordered their food, each choosing their own different meals.

"I feel like it's been so long since we've actually been out with just the two of it. This was needed. Especially since you're going to be working now. Anyway, how was searching for your baby pictures?" She remembered, as she took a sip of her drink she ordered.

He shrugged. "Nothing exciting."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Nothing? That's a lie. I know you have hella pictures to show me soon. You can't get out of showing me."

He had hoped she had forgotten but he guessed not.

"You'll see it eventually, it's in my room."

She nodded. "So when are you going to tell me about why you was searching through your old stuff which I know you have never mentioned or bothered to discuss before? And we both know you can't say any type of lie because it wouldn't make any sense."

He took a sip of his water as a way to give him some time to gather the right words. "Soon, trust me. A lot of shit is gonna come up so you will be more on my ass to find out things. I'm just trying to get some stuff in order before I introduce you into my complicated life. Its definitely far from what you know or expect. To be real, theres a lot of stuff I'm not even sure about myself which is why I have been going through our stuff. Just give me at least a month to work things out. "

She smiled lightly at him, respecting his wishes. "Sure thing. That's all I ask for. You're not alone in whatever you're going through. I would help in any way possible."

"I know. I have Riley but I guess that speaks for itself." He rolled his eyes at the thought of his useless brother.

"You have to give Riley some credit sometimes. Hes not that bad."

He slowly raised his eyebrow. "Riley? The same boy that calls you Mariah just because you're both pale biracials?"

"Yes that same Riley." She laughed. "Hes nice when he wants to be. I even heard that him and Royalty have been getting close." She told him as their food arrived. "Thank you."

He slightly nodded. "I have been noticing... after you called me when I was in the attic, he was on facetime with her. Hopefully shes smart enough not to go for him, she doesn't need his annoying self all over her. He says he was 'hella hoes' anyway. I doubt she would let him turn her into one and Caesar would blow a fuse too."

"Yeah that wouldn't end very well. We all know how protective Caesar is. He could compete with you on it."

"I can't help it." He shrugged.

"I know. Good thing I like that about you. You always stood up for me when people had something to say about me, no matter who they were."

"Because they had no reason to say anything about you."

"And because you liked me." She threw in with a smirk.

He shook his head in denial. "Now that's not true."

"I believe it is sir. Its okay, look how its turned out now. Treated me better than any boyfriend I've had." Jazmine grinned. Their conversation was cut short when her phone went off to tell her she got a message. As she looked over, her grin dropped immediately and he noticed. By the look she was giving her phone, he already knew who was texting her.

"Your mother?" Huey asked.

She sighed. "Yup."

Previously known as Sarah Dubois, Sarah Green is the biological mother of Jazmine. After years of an unhappy marriage, her parents got a divorced and Tom was granted custody of their only daughters which Sarah took that as a chance to escape and her chance to be free from any responsibility. Jazmine was heartbroken at how quickly her mother went once the divorce was final then as time went on, she heard from her mom less and less.

Despite being glad to be out a marriage and doing as she pleased, Sarah always showed her dislike for her step mother. It worsen when she found out that Jazmine calls Cori 'mama' which caused a whole argument and drove Jazmine to tears. Luckily, she was about to spend the night at the Freeman's without a question. Still, thinking about how mad her mother got upsets her sometimes.

She accused Jazmine of replacing her with another woman even though she raised and loved her. She screamed at Tom for allowing it to happen and at Cori for manipulating her daughter but everyone knew that wasn't the case.

From there, the phone calls and messaging has been few and far between as Sarah lived her life away from her.

"What she saying now?" Huey inquired as he took a bite of his food.

"I have no clue." She sighed. "It's probably just her every other month check in, since it's not a holiday of course." Jazmine had to unlock her phone to read the actual message but she went into it with no expectations. As she read over the paragraph, her eyes started to widen until she couldn't widen it anymore.

"What? What happened?" Huey asked slightly panicked. The colour drained quickly from her face and that's not what he wanted to see when she said that her mother text her.

Jazmine looked up at Huey in shock. She couldn't believe what she just said to her.

"I- what the fuck?" Was the first thing that came out her mouth. She looked around the room as if trying to find something to help her comprehend what was just said.

"Jazmine. What is up with you? What did she say?" Huey asked. He didn't like being in the unknown and from the way his girlfriend was reacting, it had to be big.

Jazmine got herself together before answering her boyfriend. "My mother, dear Sarah, is coming to Woodcrest. So I can meet her new boyfriend." She smiled at him with no amusement or joy in her face.

All Huey could do was sip his drink. This was about to be interesting.

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