Ch 3

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Someone said that they needed an update so I am here to give it to you guys, sorry it was not out sooner I was really busy so on to the story.

Itadori POV

After we got back Sukuna came out (I am going to laugh every time I will put this so you can to) and he pinned me to the desk in my room and whispered in my ear " you ready for the ride " and I blush a lot *dies from laughter*, I did not know what to say so I just said or more of made the sound " mhm " and he then started to take my shirt as well as his own off. After a few minutes of kissing we were completely naked.

(I have a fear of someone I know seeing this and I am about to cry from laughter and embarrassment, well anyway on to the story)

And then he turned me around and trusted in to me as hard as he could, After a few minutes of that we heard the door open so we stopped (XP).

A few hours later I got bored on my phone and I was hungry, so like any other 'normal' human I went to get something to eat from the kitchen. But when I got to the kitchen I saw that Nobara and Megumi had eaten all the food so I said " where are the keys I will go and buy some more food for you guys " I say walking to my room to get changed. After I got in to the car I drove 15 minutes to the store, spent 35 minutes looking for everything that we needed and some snacks for me as well, and then I had to drive 20 minutes back because of traffic (I don't really imagine Itadori driving a car do you). Once I got back to the dorms (I was gonna say house but then I remembered they don't live in a house, they homeless) and a cat ran out the door, so of course, curious, I walk up to Megumi and ask " why was there a cat inside you know that Nobara is allergic to them " (I don't know if she is really allergic but I just wanted to add that to the story) I say putting the food and everything else away " yeah I know but he cat just kind of wondered in here through the open window so I had her go to her room so I could get the cat out " he says looking up from his book " oh ok then, oh and I got you guys some snacks, and don't eat them all in one day ok " I say putting the last of the groceries away " ok I won't and I will be sur to tell Nobara to ok so don't have to worry about her " he says getting up as I walk to my room. When I walked in to my room I saw Sukuna on my bed in nothing but his underwear, which is what he was in when I left " so where were you for (hold on I got to do math) an hour and 15 minutes " he says sitting up " I went to the store and there was some traffic, what did you miss me " I say in a teasing voice " yeah I guess you could say that " he says getting up and walking over to me who is in the bathroom changing " wow you got a nice body, not that I have not seen it before " Sukuna says leaning on the door frame with a smirk on his face " stop that " I say blushing a bit " stop what " he says leaning closer to my face " stop being hot with that smirk on your face " I say turning in to a tomato " sorry I will stop when you stop, I guess I never will stop " he says leaning away " was that suppose to be a pick up line idiot " I say walking out of the bathroom " yeah did it work " " no it did not stupid " I say sitting on the bed turning on my phone " aww to bad, but it is true you are hot " he says starting to get on top of me, and then all of a sudden we hear foot steps " quick hide " I whisper to him and then he hides in the closet, And then the door opens " who is it and what do you want " It was Megumi " its me and just wanted to tell you that me, Gojo, and Nobara are gonna head to the park for about two nd a half hours because they are gonna help me babysit my little sister so you can do anything that you want here or you can come with us " " oh ok you can go ahead I will skip this time but I will help next time because your sister loves me " I say looking back at my phone " ok I will be sure to tell her that you will be there next time, bye idiot " he says closing the door " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME BITCH " I yell loud so he would be able to hear me " I called you an idiot " I heard him say from that hallway " jackass " I say to myself so no one would hear me, and then Sukuna came out of the closet " ok so we got 2 and a half hours what you wanna do... ooo I know lets raid his room" he says with his hand on his chin thinking of things to do " no I don't want to go in there that last time I tried to even look in there he slammed the door on my face " I say with a sad face " oh ok I know wat to do " he says after a few seconds of thinking " what is it you want to do "I say looking over to him " --------------- "

To Be Continued

Ok so this part is done, and I was thinking, instead of making an other part right away how about I writ about myself, of course I will still make parts after. I don't know you guys tell me in the comments and have a great day or night and I hope you enjoyed this part of this story and continue reading and if you like this story go check out my others and if you do I hope that you like them as much as you like this one.

Bye my fellow pipsqueaks

And in this part there are 1170 words in total and this part took about an hour

Sukuna x Itadori Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora